Take Heart, We Shall See Christ JESUS

O what a wondrous, joyful day,

When God the Son we see;

And we shall dwell with Him on high,


From sin forever free.


In love He chose us by His grace,


Before the earth was made;


He came into this world of sin,


And all the law obeyed.

The Savior took our load of guilt,


Our sins on Him were laid;


And by His sin-removing death,


Our debt was fully paid.


And though He died upon the cross,


He rose and reigns on high;


And by the Spirit of His grace,


To Him we are brought nigh.

 It will be glory in that day,


When we shall see His face;


And fix our eyes upon the Lamb,


Who saved us by His grace.


Take courage children of the Lord,


With Christ we soon shall be;


And we shall praise our God and King,


Throughout eternity.



 Tune: “There is a Fountain” CM/double 

Words by Jim Byrd


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