"Peter was grieved, because He said unto him the third time, Lovest thou Me?" -John 21:17 [KJV]

Peter had grieved his Lord by three denials of Him. Now his Lord grieves him with three questions, respecting his love to Him. We may often read our sin in our punishment. Peter’s Lord suffered him to fall, to lower his pride and self-confidence. Now He has caused him to descend to the valley of humiliation, He keeps him there. A little while since, he boasted of his superlative love to Christ, above all the rest of his disciples. “Though all men shall be offended because of Thee, yet will I never be offended—I am ready to go with Thee both into prison and to death—Though I should die with Thee, yet will I not deny Thee. Bold words! who can doubt of the sincerity of Peter’s heart in all this? 

Hence learn, (1st.) The warm frames of young converts, are often attended with great self-confidence. There is much of nature’s fire in them. My heart has often rejoiced, and been warmed with love, to hear the ardor and energy, with which some in their first love have spoken of precious Jesus. But I have thought, a sifting time will come. The Lord keep your joyful hearts humble before Him. 

(2d.) See the unchangeable love, and sovereign grace of Christ to His dear disciples. He told Peter of his fall, and warned him against it. Yea, set before him every particular aggravation of it. How blind are those, who see not here the divinity of our Lord? Notwithstanding this, Peter abates nothing of his self-confidence. Must his fall cure him? Not that, but Christ’s grace, raised and restored him. Falls into sin, naturally harden through the deceitfulness of sin. Take heed of looking to saints’ falls, to make you think little of your own. Peter’s fall was a damnable sin: he deserved hell for it: Christ snatched him as a brand out of the fire. His grace brings good out of the evil of sin. Let us glory of grace, but beware of sin. 

For (3d.) Souls raised by the grace of Christ, are grieved for their base sins and falls. Though the subject between Christ and Peter was love, yet it grieves. No threats of hell and damnation wound new-born souls like love. “Lovest thou Me?” saith the Lord; look back, soul, to thy past conduct; say, was there warm and generous love to thy Lord in it? O the thought of past unkindness to Christ, grieves the soul before him. As Christ repeats the question, grief is enlarged. 

(4th.) Never think you are truly raised from your falls, and restored to the love of Christ, if you have not grief of heart for them. Christ’s grace melts into love. Love sinks into humility, while it kindles the fire of joy, and excites a godly jealousy. 


There’s grief in love which none can tell, 

At the affecting sight of sin: 

But those who know they’re sav’d from hell, 

And feel Christ’s precious love within. 

Humble me, Lord, unto the dust, 

And make me for my sins asham’d; 

Save me from all self-righteous trust 

And every thing that may be blam’d.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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