Believe on the LORD JESUS Christ!

"This is His commandment, that we should believe on the name of His Son JESUS CHRIST, and love one another." -I John 3:23 [KJV]

When a weary traveller has lost his way, what pleasure must the sight of a directory afford him? How must his joy be increased, if it informs him he is near a dear friend’s house, who will kindly receive him? Weary pilgrim, look at this directory, and rejoice. You are near a dear friend, who will kindly receive, and heartily welcome you. Obey this command, and enjoy the comfort. 

Consider, (1st.) Who commands. God the Father of heaven: that God against Whom you have sinned, and by sin art become miserable. He would have you be both holy and happy. You can be neither without believing. Both are enjoyed in faith. 

(2d.) The command. Believe. By the ten commandments thou art condemned: thou art brought in guilty by them. The law ministers nothing but wrath and condemnation. God be merciful to us miserable sinners! God shews mercy. O the love and grace of the law-giver! He here gives us one command, which ministers life and salvation to our guilty souls. Only believe. You mourn under a sense of sin, are dejected for want of peace, and distressed for want of comfort. You look one way and another. You strive to do this and that. You pray, read, hear, communicate, etc.; still your soul is not happy and joyful. Why not? Because you do not obey your Father’s command. Believe

(3d.) Consider the object of faith. “The name of His Son Jesus Christ.” God the Father doth not command, believe on Me, come to Me, but only as he is in Christ. Therefore He says, “hear My beloved Son” (Matthew 17:5.) Believe on Him; go to Him; receive Him; look to Him; venture your souls on Him; constantly and continually exercise your minds on Him, for all salvation: so shall you enjoy My peace, My favour, and My love. 

All centres in the name, JESUS: your sin-bearing, sin-atoning, curse-suffering, law-fulfilling Saviour. Christ; anointed, sent and appointed by God the Father, to do and suffer His will; to finish your salvation, and to save and make you happy every moment, in the sense of a Father’s reconciled love in Him. 

(4th.) Who are commanded thus to believe? Sinners, lost and perishing sinners, who have no righteousness to justify, no strength to save themselves. This is your character and mine, and will be so all through life: therefore this command is ever to be obeyed by us. Are you in a doubting, fearing, condemned, dark, distressed frame? Your Father’s loving command just suits you. Obey Him. Believe in His Son, for light, joy, and peace, and they shall spring up in your conscience. Then love shall prevail in your soul to God and to His children. This is the prayer of faith. Lord, increase our faith (see Luke 17:5.)


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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