"Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace, to the end that the promise might be sure to all the seed." -Romans 4:16 [KJV]

Men come to earthly inheritances, either by heirship, gift, or purchase. Each one can tell how he came by his estate, and by what right he holds it. Come, Christian, examine thy heavenly inheritance to-night. See how thou camest possessed of it, and by what means thou dost hold and enjoy it. 

(1st.) It is thine by purchase. Not that thou didst ever contribute one mite to buy it; but Christ thy elder Brother paid the full price for it. Therefore it is called “the purchased inheritance” (Ephesians 1:14.) 

(2d.) It is thine by gift: “ is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom,” (Luke 12:32.) 

(3d.) It is thine by heirship: thou wast born to inherit it: not by thy natural, but by thy spiritual birth. Now thou art “an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ, thy elder Brother. (Romans 8:17.) 

(4th.) How dost thou hold it? By faith. Mind this: Faith is not thy title to it. Thou hast that by purchase, heirship, and gift. Faith receives it, takes possession of it, and enjoys the comfort of it. We are receiving a kingdom, (Hebrews 12:28.) 

(5th.) The Spirit is the earnest of this inheritance. He first makes thee an heir, then bears witness to it, by possessing thee of the graces and gifts of the kingdom—and thus trains thee up for the full enjoyment of it in glory. 

(6th.) It is by faith, “that it might be by grace.” Works have not the least hand at all in the matter. They neither procure right, nor give title to it. It is a gift of the free favour of God. Adoption to heirship, and purchase of it, are all of free grace; and faith to enjoy it, is a gift of grace also. Well then, O soul, does not this inspire thee, to give all the glory to a gracious God? 

But mind again, lastly. It is by grace, “to this end, that the promise might be sure to all the seed, even the promise of eternal life. The promise is by grace, therefore it is absolute, sure, and certain, else God’s truth would fail. If it were suspended but upon the smallest condition of works, (whatever some may say) every soul would forfeit his title to heaven, and fall into hell. But it is “sure to all the seed.” For God, who cannot lie, promised eternal life before the world began (Titus 1:2.) 

To whom? To Christ: for and in behalf of all His spiritual seed. Therefore in Christ our title is sure. Living upon Him by faith, we enjoy both present comfort and full assurance, that we shall live and reign with Him in His kingdom of glory. Thus poor sinners’ hearts are made happy in faith, joyful in hope, obedient in love, while Father, Son, and Spirit, have all the glory. 


Jesus, my Saviour and my Lord, 

‘Tis good to trust Thy name; 

Thy pow’r, Thy faithfulness, and love, 

Will ever be the same. 

The woman’s seed, the seed of Christ, 

Are heirs, by promise sure; 

In sweet experience now they’re blest, 

And shall be evermore.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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