"Saul answered, I am sore distressed, for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me." -I Samuel 28:15 [KJV]

A more awful speech is scarce to be found in the Bible. A more dreadful state a soul cannot be in, on this side of hell. To have potent enemies in battle array: to have the guilt of abominable sins staring one in the face: and to be sensible that the Lord is departed from one, how horrid to think of! O come here, and see the terrible effects of trifling with God, and disobeying His commands! For we read that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul—that God gave him another heart— that he was turned into another man—and that he prophesied (I Samuel 10:6.) 

And yet, such was his dreadful conduct, as to bring upon himself such sore distress. How does he act under it? Does he humble himself, as heretofore before the Lord? No. But he adds this evil to all his abominations. He seeks to the witch of Endor: desires her to raise up Samuel to him. The form of Samuel appears, and tells him of his sudden destruction by the Philistines. 

Learn hence, (1st.) That as the Lord’s mercies are sure, so also are His judgments. Though He may delay for a season, yet a day of vengeance will surely overtake every impenitent, sin-hardened soul. Though it was long before, that Saul disobeyed the Lord’s command, in not totally destroying his enemies, the Amalekites; yet the Lord had neither forgotten it, nor forgiven him. 

(2d.) See how a sin-hardened soul acts. Not like David, who comes to the Lord with an humble heart, a broken spirit, and a sorrowful cry, “O LORD, pardon mine iniquity, for it is great” (Psalm 25:11.) But like Saul, who applied to the devil for relief. 

(3d.) We do not hear one word from Saul, of the cause of his distress, sin. His eyes were blinded by it, that he saw not the evil of it: his heart was so hardened by its deceitfulness, that he felt no sorrow in his soul on account of it. For the Lord was departed from him. 

O that we may dread and deprecate this. But let not any sin-distressed, broken-hearted sinner, write bitter things against himself, from hence. For, if sin causes sorrow of heart, and mourning of soul, and excites a cry, God be merciful to me— save, Lord Jesus, or I perish: the Lord is not departed from that soul: it is not hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 

O love the Lord for that. Praise Him for His grace which keeps you from that: and that His promises still invite and encourage you. “For if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and His blood cleanseth from all sin.” -I John 1:7—2:1 [KJV]


With jealous heart and godly fear, 

O may I walk before the Lord: 

This will prevent the falling tear, 

And love, and joy, and peace afford. 

May others’ evils warn my soul, 

The dang’rous paths of sin to flee; 

Let gen’rous love my soul control, 

In sweet obedience Lord to Thee.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D. )


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