"The answer of a good conscience towards God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ." -I Peter 3:21 [KJV]

The grand business of faith is, to give being and subsistence to divine truths in the mind (Hebrews 11:1.) Hence conscience obtains relief and peace, and the soul is made happy. 

Consider, (1st.) What is conscience? Science is knowledge. Pre-science is foreknowledge. Conscience is something joined with knowledge. “Some have their conscience defiled” (Titus 1:15.) With what? The guilt of their sins. Some are said, to be sprinkled from an evil, or guilty conscience. (see Hebrews 10:22.) With what? The blood of Christ. Therefore, in respect to a good, or bad conscience, something must be joined with the science or knowledge of the mind to determine it by. In this sense, the word conscience is used in scripture. 

Hence, (2d.) We may easily see, what is the answer of a good conscience before God. Join the law of God with your science, or knowledge of yourself. What report will conscience make? The law condemns. Conscience pleads guilty. It has evil in it. Hence you fear and tremble. But faith joins with our science, or knowledge, the resurrection of Christ. Then we have a good conscience, not troubled with the guilt of sin. For Christ died for our sins. He atoned for them all on the cross. They are all buried in His sepulchre. 

He rose again for our justification. Hence we are fully discharged from all condemnation for sin. Thus we have a good answer, from a good conscience towards God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is what St. Paul calls, “The mystery of faith” (I Timothy 3:9.) It is a mystery, known only by the experience of the faithful. Carnal reason cannot comprehend it. The judgment of sense rejects it. Natural men think, a good conscience arises from their being good in themselves, and doing no harm. 

They have a stupid conscience and a deceitful heart. They believe a lie. And such, from a notion of their own righteousness, think they have a good answer therefrom towards God. Such is the ignorance, blindness, and unbelief of nature. This nature is part of us. This flesh, with all its carnal reasonings, and corrupt notions, opposes the mystery of faith, in the conscience. 

Therefore, this mystery is to be held in a pure conscience. The resurrection of Christ is to be held fast, as that truth, by which conscience can maintain peace; the heart be made happy, the life influenced to all holiness, while God justifies us. This is the peculiar glory of faith. Hence, The God of hope fills us with all joy and peace in believing (see Romans 15:13.) This is our resurrection blessing.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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