
Showing posts from December, 2023

Come, ye blessed of My Father...

" Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you, from the foundation of the world." —Matthew 25:34 [KJV] This is a joyful word to our hearts now, "COME, let us reason together, saith the L ORD ; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow: though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." —Isaiah 1:18 . This is another precious word from Jesus to our souls, "COME unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." O, but this last COME, from the lips of our KING, will be the most joyful crowning word of all! The best wine is reserved for the last. Every soul who hath tasted of the first on earth, shall assuredly drink his fill at the fountain-head, in a blissful, never-ending eternity of glory.  "Ye blessed of My Father;" beloved from eternity, and blessed to eternity. Chosen in Me, blessed in Me with all spi...


" But thanks be to God Who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." —I Corinthians 15:57 [KJV] Death, though conquered by Jesus; though disarmed of its strength and sting by our victorious Lord, so that it cannot destroy, nay, not wound or hurt the soul of any one of His dear members; yet it is still an enemy, a formidable, disagreeable enemy to nature. When we are left to our natural conceptions, death appears to us with the grim visage of "the king of terrors." We cannot get rid of our fears, nor are we able to make Him put on a more amiable aspect. But when in the simplicity of little children, we go to our heavenly Father, and tell Him how we are affrighted and terrified at the thought and approach of that dreadful enemy, He drives away our fears and terrors, and relieves our minds.  But how does our affectionate Father effect this? by telling us we are perfect and sinless, and therefore we have overcome death, we shall never die, we...

Watch Unto Prayer, friends...

" The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer." —I Peter 4:7 [KJV] Yesterday we were born. To-day we live. To-morrow we die. The sum total of human life is justly calculated by the hoaryheaded patriarch, Jacob, "Few and evil have the days of the years of my life been."—Gen. 47:9. A truth this that lies level with the common observation and judgment of all men; but is admitted into the regenerate heart and conscience only with that importance it demands, so as suitably to affect the mind and influence the conduct. Hence, the absolute necessity of divine faith; the continual need of the believing soul exercising his meditations upon the sure and certain approaching dissolution of all things. So he learns to die daily to the perishing objects of time and sense; and to live like himself, as an immortal inhabitant of a city that hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. To live and lean upon our beloved Jesus as t...

The Knowledge and Enjoyment of our Saviour

" Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ." —Romans 13:14 [KJV] Man is an active being. Happiness is his pursuit. "Who will shew me any good?" is his continual enquiry. But to seek it from wrong objects is his constant practice. Hence naturally we are ever restless and uneasy. The new-born soul only has found the centre of true felicity, real good, and permanent happiness, in the knowledge and enjoyment of his Saviour! Here paradise is regained: a heaven of bliss is restored to his soul. It is the peculiar glory of the gospel, it ever presents a precious object to our mind, even the Lord Jesus, from Whom alone we derive peace of conscience, joy of heart, and transport of soul.  Is there, believer, a day in the year, an hour in the day, wherein thou wouldst pray to be excused from putting on the Lord Jesus Christ as the perfection of thy nature, and the adorning of thy soul? Surely not. As "one made alive from the dead," the Holy Ghost, by the word,...

The Wednesday Word ~ 27 December, 2023 A.D.

  The Gospel and the Believer. Part 5 by D. G. Miles McKee   “ Just as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous" (Romans 5:19).   Ruin and redemption were the result of the actions of two men, Adam and Christ.  They were our representatives, Strictly speaking, ruin and redemption had nothing to do with our experience!  We were neither there in the Garden when Adam ruined us nor were we there at Calvary when Jesus rescued us. Christ Jesus is now our new representative man.  He is the last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:25) and the second man (1 Corinthians 15:27).   When Jesus lived and died He did so for us. All that He accomplished is now reckoned to us!  What a marvelous inheritance we have in Christ Jesus!  Just as our rejection before God was based upon the behaviour of one man, Adam, so our acceptance before God now depends on another man, Jesus! The big question, there...


" The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly." — Romans 16:20 [KJV] It is very common for the followers of the Lamb to reason, but not right, after this manner: "How can I be a son of the God of peace? how can I be a subject of the Prince of peace, seeing I am daily in war and fightings? If at any time the sweet sound of peace is heard in my heart, and the comforting sense of peace is felt in my conscience, soon some rebel lust, some sinful passion, or some fiery dart of the enemy, makes an attack upon me; hence war commences and peace is banished." Nay but, soul, Jesus is still thy peace. God is ever at peace with thee. Glory in this always. Know thou art to fight the good fight of faith as a soldier of Jesus.  Thy present state exposes thee to enemies. Being born again of the Spirit, thy flesh lusteth against thee, and thou feelest it, art groaning under it and striving against it. The strong man, Satan, who heretofore kept thee in...

Saved to the Uttermost ~ Bless You LORD JESUS Christ

" Wherefore He is able to save to the uttermost, all who come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." —Hebrews 7:25 [KJV] When the strong blasts of temptations blow, the swelling waves of corruptions lift up their heads: Satan casts his fiery darts: the thunders of Sinai roar: the law threatens wrath and destruction: carnal reason pleads: unbelief pronounces hopeless despair on them: happy for believers to take up the language of faith, expressed by the children of God of old, "We are not careful to answer in this matter: our God, whom we serve, is able to deliver us; and He will deliver us," —Daniel 3:16, 17 .  Admirable faith and fortitude! A shining example of Old-Testament saints, worthy to be imitated by New Testament disciples. Such a conduct yields ease to the mind, and peace to the conscience; while it confesses Jesus the only Saviour, it gives Him the glory due to His name. And, verily, according to their faith ...


"We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." —Ephesians 2:10 [KJV] Upon a survey of the works of creation, the psalmist cries out with admiration, "O Lord, how manifold are Thy works, in wisdom hast Thou made them all!" Is such a display of wisdom and glory visible in the objects of time and sense, which perish in the using, and are destined to destruction? O, what infinite riches of wisdom, glory, and love, are manifest in the new creation in Christ Jesus, which are of a spiritual and eternal nature! Such is the economy of the covenant of grace, the glorious three Persons in the ever-adorable Trinity concur in the salvation of sinners.  God the Father elects in Christ Jesus to glory, and ordains good works, as the fruits of everlasting love, for all the heirs of salvation to walk in. Jesus, in Whom they are chosen, atones for all the guilt of their sins, and frees the...

I Must Preach the Gospel

"For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of; for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!" -I Corinthians 9:16 [KJV] The most humbling and challenging thing I face—the great concern of my heart—is that my generation experience a return to the preaching of the gospel of God’s glory. We are plagued today with a gospel of works, a religion of form and ceremony, and a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge (see Romans 10:2). I pray for a return to the message God was pleased to use in other days to awaken sinners to their need for mercy; that message that reveals the redemptive glory of God in Christ; that message which humbles the proud Pharisee and gives hope to the chief of sinners. If God is pleased to restore that message, then will we once again sense the awesome Holy presence of the Living God. Gone will be the voice of the proud sinner who inwardly debates whether he will accept Jesus or reject Him. G...

Love One Another

" Charity shall cover the multitude of sins." —I Peter 4:8 [KJV] Many sinners have and do awfully deceive their poor souls by a sad perversion of these words. For they suppose that being charitable to the poor will cover the multitude of their sins from the sight of a holy, sin-avenging God. O fatal mistake! Hence they are encouraged in their sinful practices, from such a vain, unscriptural notion. It is thy mercy, believer, to be delivered from such delusion, by the truth as it is in Jesus. For to atone for sin was His blessed work. He hath done it effectually by shedding His precious blood.  And every believer in Jesus is the only blessed man, whose sins are covered by His all-perfect righteousness. Here is the true source and spring of charity, or rather LOVE, love to God and man. "We love God, because He first loved us." —1 John 4:19. And through the faith of this we obey His commandment, "Love one another." Of this charity, or love, th...


" Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled." —Matthew 26:56 [KJV] On reading this, who can refrain from crying out, "Lord, what is man!" What danger am I in! Lord, keep me! What awful effects have a fit of fear and a frame of unbelief produced! Here was the beloved disciple JOHN, who lay in the bosom of Jesus; the courageous PETER, who was to die with Him; the ambitious JAMES, who requested to sit at His right hand in His kingdom; with every one of the other disciples, forsaking and flying from innocence in distress.  The shepherd was seized, and the affrighted sheep were instantly scattered. Provoking ingratitude! Dost thou think, O my soul, thou wouldst have acted one whit better? Verily, if so thou art vain. Now if Jesus had chosen them, and continued to love them, on condition of their faithful conduct towards Him, this single instance was sufficient to turn His love to hatred, His election of them into reprobation, and casting them off for e...

CHRIST JESUS: A Refuge From Every Danger

" That we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge, to lay hold on the hope set before us." —Hebrews 6:18 [KJV] Man is equally fallen from God with the devil. There is only this difference between them; sovereign grace provides hope for men, and not for devils. JESUS is the only hope for lost sinners. To Him the heirs of promise flee. In Him they find a refuge from every danger. Like the man-slayer under the law, who was in danger of death on every side, and no way of safety but in the city of refuge, which God appointed for him. Here his life was safe. The law of God was his protection. No one durst take vengeance on him.  Such was God's provision for him. Infinitely superior are the settlements of grace. The salvation of the soul, with eternal life and glory are for ever secured to us by God's immutable counsel, His inviolable promises—Yea more, God has pledged Himself; He hath confirmed all by His OATH. O, the cursed nature of unbelief...


" Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ." —I John 1:3 [KJV] The prophet asks, "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" —Amos 3:3. No. There can be no sweet communion, no comfortable fellowship between God and man, except they be agreed. See then, O soul, this fellowship is enjoyed by faith: for by faith we are brought into agreement with God. Consider, how the glorious THREE concur to make our souls thus happy. It pleased God the Father, that all fulness should dwell in His Son. He determined to display all His grace and glory in the MAN Jesus, for the sinner's salvation—Hence he saith to us, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased, HEAR YE HIM."   But we are averse to agree with God and to hear Jesus. We had rather have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, and that the devil should rule over us; than that Jesus should have the whole glory of saving us by His grace. But the ...

The Wednesday Word ~ 20 December, 2023 A.D.

Why Jesus Came by D G Miles McKee Luke 19:10   Why did Christ Jesus come to earth?  Why indeed?  Many answers have been given to that most excellent of questions. Some, for example, say that Jesus came to give us the illustration of a Perfect Man.  Some say, on the other hand, He came to show us how we should live.  Others consider Him the greatest teacher of all time and say He came to teach us right from wrong.  There are many more theories about why He came but to find the answer to this question we should let Jesus speak for Himself.   In Luke 19:10, in a simple sentence of 15 words, He declares one of His reasons for coming saying, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.”  (Luke 19:10).   Let’s unpack that statement .    “ .. the Son of man came.” …   The Son of Man is a term mostly used by our Lord to denote His humanity . Yet when we examine Him, we discover that before He came to earth...


" Righteousness delivereth from death." —Proverbs 11:4 [KJV] When a poor sinner is brought to judge of himself according to the word of truth, then is he truly wise. When he sees the exceeding sinfulness of sin, he is humbled before the Lord. When he considers "the wages of sin is death," he fears and trembles. But when he is enabled to believe he is righteous in the sight of God, then he is truly happy. His soul rejoiceth, because his eyes have seen the salvation of God; and he hath found a righteousness that delivers from death.  It is never well with the soul, but when in simplicity and godly sincerity, it forms its judgment of sin and righteousness from the word of the Lord. For carnal reason and fleshly wisdom pervert and draw it aside from the truth as it is in Jesus. Sin is a transgression of the law, which is holy, just, and good. "Death has passed upon all men." Verily then I am a cursed sinner, and have need to cry daily, "Go...

Jesus Made Peace by The Blood of His Cross

" Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful." —Colossians 3:15 [KJV] Every exhortation in the word of grace implies a contrary disposition in the fallen nature of saints. Because thou hast turbulence and disorder in thy flesh, therefore art thou, believer, called upon by the word, to oppose it in the grace of the Spirit. Here is thy daily exercise. We shall surely meet with many things from within and without, which are contrary to the peace of our minds, and the comfort of our hearts. Thou, O man of God, art to flee these things: watch against them; pray for victory over them. Thou hast the most powerful excitements hereto.  Jesus hath made peace by the blood of His cross. Every disciple is called to the knowledge and enjoyment of it through faith. Called to be of that one body whereof Jesus is the Head. Hence the handwriting of the law of accusation is cancelled in the mind; sin is dethroned in the heart; ...

A Heart Cleansed from All Sin by Christ's Blood

" Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." —Matthew 5:8 [KJV] Every institution of purification under the law referred to Jesus, the purifier of His people. Old-Testament saints received inward purity of heart from the same Fountain, Jesus; and through the same means, faith in Him. Without this inward purity of heart, "without holiness, no man ever did or ever shall see the Lord." When Jesus comes to His temple, even the hearts of His people, He "sits as a refiner and purifier." Sinners are the objects of His love. Sin is the accursed thing His soul hates. From this He purifies them.  In purity and holiness His soul delights: with this He blesses His disciples. He then pronounces them blessed. He tells them wherein their happiness consists: blessed are you, whose hearts are pure: blessed are your eyes, for they shall see God. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one of fallen Adam's race , Job. 14:4 . Such po...

Our Salvation is Nearer...

" And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." —Romans 13:11 [KJV] It is an affecting case, but a real truth, that wise virgins are apt to slumber and sleep as well as the foolish. Through the pressures of a body of sin and death, and the opiates of worldly ease and self-indulgence, they sometimes fall into a drowsy state, and a sleepy frame of soul. Hence, they lose their former delight in religious duties and spiritual exercises. Their love to God and their brethren in Christ grows cold; their zeal for the glory of Jesus and His precious truths decline.  The enemy takes great advantages against them, and would triumph in their entire destruction. But that can never be, for the Lord prevents it. "He that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps." Will the loving father suffer his dear children to sleep in their beds till devoured by raging flames? If we being ev...