Our Salvation is Nearer...

"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." —Romans 13:11 [KJV]

It is an affecting case, but a real truth, that wise virgins are apt to slumber and sleep as well as the foolish. Through the pressures of a body of sin and death, and the opiates of worldly ease and self-indulgence, they sometimes fall into a drowsy state, and a sleepy frame of soul. Hence, they lose their former delight in religious duties and spiritual exercises. Their love to God and their brethren in Christ grows cold; their zeal for the glory of Jesus and His precious truths decline. 

The enemy takes great advantages against them, and would triumph in their entire destruction. But that can never be, for the Lord prevents it. "He that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps." Will the loving father suffer his dear children to sleep in their beds till devoured by raging flames? If we being evil, have such love for our children, how infinitely greater is the love of our heavenly Father? Therefore He alarms souls and awakens them to duty and watchfulness. 

Thus Paul, His faithful watchman, lifts up his voice of warning, cries the hour, and reproves disciples as acting unbecoming. It being both unreasonable and unseasonable for them who know the time of day to indulge sloth and heaviness. It is high time to awake out of sleep. Come, Christian, look around thee, look up. The Saviour reigns. It is broad day. See the sun shining. 

Nay it is in its meridian. And thou art just got to thy journey's end. Just in sight of thy Father's house. Thy Lord is coming to meet thee. What! wilt thou sleep on and take thy rest? The Spirit speaks to thee in this word, "Now is thy salvation nearer than when thou first believed." The Lord is at hand. "Let thy moderation, in care after the things of this world, be known unto all men." What art thou grasping so much of perishing things for? Thou canst not hold them long. 

Off hands, before death makes thee quit thy hold. Think what thou art spiritually born for, called to, and art just going to take possession of. Verily, if thy soul is broad awake, thou seest things as they really are. TIME, with all its toys and pleasures, how short! ETERNITY, with all its rich glories and inestimable blessings, how long! Jesus, with all His endearing amiableness, in his adorable person, precious offices, blessed promises, and glorious work and finished salvation for thee, as the best Object of all thy hope, love, peace, and joy. For shame, sleep not when the delightful presence and heavenly fellowship of such a Friend may be enjoyed. If thou hast lost the sense of this by sleep, O resolve with the church, "I will give no sleep to mine eyes, until I find the Lord."—Psalm 132:4, 5.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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