Saved to the Uttermost ~ Bless You LORD JESUS Christ

"Wherefore He is able to save to the uttermost, all who come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." —Hebrews 7:25 [KJV]

When the strong blasts of temptations blow, the swelling waves of corruptions lift up their heads: Satan casts his fiery darts: the thunders of Sinai roar: the law threatens wrath and destruction: carnal reason pleads: unbelief pronounces hopeless despair on them: happy for believers to take up the language of faith, expressed by the children of God of old, "We are not careful to answer in this matter: our God, whom we serve, is able to deliver us; and He will deliver us,"—Daniel 3:16, 17

Admirable faith and fortitude! A shining example of Old-Testament saints, worthy to be imitated by New Testament disciples. Such a conduct yields ease to the mind, and peace to the conscience; while it confesses Jesus the only Saviour, it gives Him the glory due to His name. And, verily, according to their faith so it was. They were saved to the uttermost. Though cast into the fiery furnace, they had the presence of Jesus; and He delivered them out of it unhurt. Who can prescribe bounds to the salvation of Jesus? He saves according to His ability. Who can limit that which extends to the uttermost? Thou comer to God by Jesus, think not sin is too strong in thee for Jesus to save thee from. He is almighty to save to the uttermost.

Art thou not willing thus to be saved? Verily faith longs for it, love desires it, hope expects it. Stagger not through unbelief. Our object of faith is a once crucified Jesus, and ever-living, interceding man and Mediator, and Who is also the omnipotent God. Is any thing too hard for the Lord? Why then should sin hold thee one moment under its power? why should it at all distress thy mind? Nay, it could not, but for thy unbelief. But is not the strength of Jesus the most powerful encouragement for poor sinners to come to God continually? A throne of grace is ever open. 

A God of love seated on it. Jesus ever lives, and always prays. A salvation to the uttermost perfection is promised, and the infinitely powerful Jehovah able to effect it. Coming to God by Jesus, O this is a sweet mystery for faith to feed upon, to be nourished and strengthened by! We are confident of access, perfectly sure of acceptance by Jesus. We are not left to perhaps or peradventure, because it is not founded upon ourselves, upon what we have done or can do, but upon the eternal life, everlasting love, and unchangeable priesthood of Jesus. 

Christ overrules all mortal things, 

And manages all our affairs; 

On humble souls the King of kings 

Bestows His counsels and His cares. 

Our sorrows and our tears we pour 

Into the bosom of our God; 

He hears us in the mournful hour, 

And helps us bear the heavy load.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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