"The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly." — Romans 16:20 [KJV]

It is very common for the followers of the Lamb to reason, but not right, after this manner: "How can I be a son of the God of peace? how can I be a subject of the Prince of peace, seeing I am daily in war and fightings? If at any time the sweet sound of peace is heard in my heart, and the comforting sense of peace is felt in my conscience, soon some rebel lust, some sinful passion, or some fiery dart of the enemy, makes an attack upon me; hence war commences and peace is banished." Nay but, soul, Jesus is still thy peace. God is ever at peace with thee. Glory in this always. Know thou art to fight the good fight of faith as a soldier of Jesus. 

Thy present state exposes thee to enemies. Being born again of the Spirit, thy flesh lusteth against thee, and thou feelest it, art groaning under it and striving against it. The strong man, Satan, who heretofore kept thee in possession, when thou wast at peace with him, is now cast out by Jesus; therefore he besieges and attacks. The world with its vanities, its children with their smiles and frowns, promises and threatenings, animated by "the god of this world," are at war with thee; because thou art not of this world, but of the kingdom of Jesus. 

That this combined power opposes thee, is a scriptural mark that thou art born of God. That thou art at war with them, is an evidence, a happy evidence of the life of thy soul, and of thy faith and love in Christ Jesus. Rather let this strengthen thy confidence than deject thy mind. Was it any proof that Jesus was not the Son of God, because Satan tried to make Him question it, and tempted Him to idolatry, covetousness and self-murder? Did this destroy His hope and peace in His God and Father? Nor need his temptations interrupt thine. Thy God knows thou art conflicting with Satan. It is His good pleasure to permit it for a season. Yea, He knows also thou canst not bruise Satan, much less overcome him. 

Natural men are ready to ask what is this bruising of Satan: we see no need of it. No, it is because they lie fast asleep in his arms. But those who are awake, and flee from him, he ever tries to distress. But, O Christian, here is thy comfort, Jesus has bruised the serpent's head. Thy assurance of victory lies in the almighty power of Jesus, and faithful promise of thy Father. Look up with confidence for as sure as Satan's head is bruised, thy God, Who is at peace with thee, is at war with every enemy that is against them. Fight with courage. He will strengthen thee to stand against, yea more, give thee perfect victory over all the powers of darkness, all the malice of hell. 

As a vanquished foe thou shalt tread Satan under Thy feet shortly. "Say to them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not: behold your God will come with vengeance, (against the enemy) He will come and save you."—Isaiah 35:4

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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