"We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." —Ephesians 2:10 [KJV]

Upon a survey of the works of creation, the psalmist cries out with admiration, "O Lord, how manifold are Thy works, in wisdom hast Thou made them all!" Is such a display of wisdom and glory visible in the objects of time and sense, which perish in the using, and are destined to destruction? O, what infinite riches of wisdom, glory, and love, are manifest in the new creation in Christ Jesus, which are of a spiritual and eternal nature! Such is the economy of the covenant of grace, the glorious three Persons in the ever-adorable Trinity concur in the salvation of sinners. 

God the Father elects in Christ Jesus to glory, and ordains good works, as the fruits of everlasting love, for all the heirs of salvation to walk in. Jesus, in Whom they are chosen, atones for all the guilt of their sins, and frees them from all the condemnation of the law. And the divine Spirit creates their souls anew in righteousness, peace, and holiness. But why doth he say, "created in Christ Jesus?" Because we are His members; one with Him, beloved IN Him, chosen IN Him, viewed IN Him; loved with the very same love, as Jesus our Head is—John 17:23. 

What is wrought in us by the power of God the Spirit, is not to glorify us in our own eyes, to make us independent of our Head, Jesus; but to glorify Him, and keep us in close union to, and sweet communion with Him; that so our good works, our fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, may abound to the glory of God. How awful is this delusion, under pretence of exalting Jesus to depreciate the work of His Spirit in us? How fatal the mistake of thinking our good works are to recommend us to God's favor? But how does the devil amuse poor dead sinners with notions of good works, and swell them with the pride of their works! as though they were the price of God's favor, and the purchase of His kingdom. 

All such works are of the flesh, they flow from pride and unbelief, and are accursed. The seventeenth article of our church speaks of "walking RELIGIOUSLY in good works." As though there are no good works, but what spring from the religion of Jesus. Christian, what thou art called to in life, that thou art created to in thy soul. Those duties exhorted to in the word, thou hast strength to perform by the Spirit. Therefore, though sinful and lost, in thy first creation, yet thou art saved and righteous by thy new creation in Christ Jesus. In Him, being one with Him, thou mayest say with Paul, "I have all things and abound."—Philippians 4:18.

Not to the terrors of the Lord,

 Not to the thunder of that Word 

The tempest, fire and smoke, 

Which God on Sinai spoke.

But we are come to Sion's hill, 

Where milder words declare His will, 

The city of our God, 

And spread His love abroad.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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