"But thanks be to God Who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." —I Corinthians 15:57 [KJV]

Death, though conquered by Jesus; though disarmed of its strength and sting by our victorious Lord, so that it cannot destroy, nay, not wound or hurt the soul of any one of His dear members; yet it is still an enemy, a formidable, disagreeable enemy to nature. When we are left to our natural conceptions, death appears to us with the grim visage of "the king of terrors." We cannot get rid of our fears, nor are we able to make Him put on a more amiable aspect. But when in the simplicity of little children, we go to our heavenly Father, and tell Him how we are affrighted and terrified at the thought and approach of that dreadful enemy, He drives away our fears and terrors, and relieves our minds. 

But how does our affectionate Father effect this? by telling us we are perfect and sinless, and therefore we have overcome death, we shall never die, we have nothing to fear, death cannot hurt us? No; though we are sinners in ourselves, and as such must die; though we are without strength to grapple with and subdue this powerful enemy, and though our bodies must fall victims to His stroke, yet, "praise the Lord, O my soul, praise Him all His saints," He giveth us the victory; He puts songs of triumph into our mouths, our hearts; not for what we have done, but our Father refers us to the glorious achievements of our elder Brother, Jesus; He hath obtained a perfect conquest for all the children of His Father's family; and victory is not only proclaimed but GIVEN. 

Jesus is the unspeakable gift of the Father's love; victory over death is given through Jesus; faith to believe it in the heart, and triumph over it in the conscience, is His free gift also. Thus the Spirit testifies of, and glorifies Jesus; thus His members rejoice in the truth, and are comforted by the truth. Death was brought into the world by the father of lies, he is vanquished and destroyed by Jesus, who is essentially THE TRUTH. "The soul that sinneth shall die." Die man, or justice must. The man Jesus, the sinner's Surety, fell a sacrifice to this truth; hence truth is fulfilled in His death, justice is satisfied, death is disarmed of its sting, which is sin. Jesus hath "put away sin, by the sacrifice of Himself."—Hebrews 9:26

"And the strength of sin, which is the law, Jesus hath perfectly fulfilled in His life for us." He hath fully answered all its demands, and by Him all its accusations are silenced. Precious Christ! Happy believer! What harm can the most fierce, poisonous monster do thee when it hath lost its sting, and is without any strength? Most precious truth! "Death is yours."—I Corinthians 3:22.

Now to the God of victory 

Immortal thanks be paid; 

Who makes us conqu'rors while we die, 

Thro' Christ our living Head.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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