CHRIST JESUS: A Refuge From Every Danger

"That we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge, to lay hold on the hope set before us." —Hebrews 6:18 [KJV]

Man is equally fallen from God with the devil. There is only this difference between them; sovereign grace provides hope for men, and not for devils. JESUS is the only hope for lost sinners. To Him the heirs of promise flee. In Him they find a refuge from every danger. Like the man-slayer under the law, who was in danger of death on every side, and no way of safety but in the city of refuge, which God appointed for him. Here his life was safe. The law of God was his protection. No one durst take vengeance on him. 

Such was God's provision for him. Infinitely superior are the settlements of grace. The salvation of the soul, with eternal life and glory are for ever secured to us by God's immutable counsel, His inviolable promises—Yea more, God has pledged Himself; He hath confirmed all by His OATH. O, the cursed nature of unbelief! It makes the God of truth a liar: it would prove the God of faithfulness perjured. O, the devilish nature of pride! It would share in the glory of salvation; it disowns our damned state; and therefore denies the sovereignty of grace. 

Pride rises into wrath at distinguishing grace, that God should bestow His favor upon Whom He pleaseth, which He owes to no one. For who hath deserved His grace? Glory to the rich grace of our God, a present refuge, a present hope are freely set before us; and strong consolation enjoyed by us NOW. Are the eyes of our understanding enlightened to see Jesus, the hope of our calling? the insufficiency of every other hope? Have we fled from every refuge of lies to Jesus, and laid hold on Him by faith as our only hope? This is by the grace of the holy Spirit. He is our Comforter. He administers strong consolation to our souls from Jesus. The "immutability of God's counsel; and the confirmation of His oath" center in JESUS. 

See thy distinguishing grace, O believer, and rejoice. Not only safe, but happy; not only secure, but joyful. This is grace upon grace. Not only glory in reversion, but grace in possession. You see your calling, brethren; and the riches of your inheritance with all saints. These are your strong holds, ye prisoners of hope. Though imprisoned in a body of sin and death; exposed to unbelieving doubts and fears; liable to sore trials and conflicts with your adversary, Satan; yet ever consider this; nothing but consolation, strong consolation awaits you in Christ Jesus. He is your constant refuge, your only hope: "Abide in Me," saith the Lamb. 

He would have us be simple of heart; so shall we be joyful in spirit. For verily, if we look to any other object but Jesus, we shall smart for it. We can draw comfort from no other. In Jesus we can triumph with joy; and challenge with confidence "who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect." —Romans 8:33.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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