A Heart Cleansed from All Sin by Christ's Blood

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." —Matthew 5:8 [KJV]

Every institution of purification under the law referred to Jesus, the purifier of His people. Old-Testament saints received inward purity of heart from the same Fountain, Jesus; and through the same means, faith in Him. Without this inward purity of heart, "without holiness, no man ever did or ever shall see the Lord." When Jesus comes to His temple, even the hearts of His people, He "sits as a refiner and purifier." Sinners are the objects of His love. Sin is the accursed thing His soul hates. From this He purifies them. 

In purity and holiness His soul delights: with this He blesses His disciples. He then pronounces them blessed. He tells them wherein their happiness consists: blessed are you, whose hearts are pure: blessed are your eyes, for they shall see God. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one of fallen Adam's race, Job. 14:4. Such power belongs to God only. Man contributes nothing hereto. But man, every believing, regenerate man, is the blessed subject of purity and holiness of heart. He has no hand in purifying his heart. No glory is due to him. But holy, blessed effects flow from it, to God his Saviour's glory, to his present felicity, and to his eternal comfort and joy. 

To thy shame disciple, thou knowest, being a child of an apostate, sinful parent, naturally only sin was the delight of thine heart. It is thy present blessedness to be a child of the holy God, a member of the holy Jesus, a subject of the Holy Spirit's new creating influence, and a partaker of holy faith. Hence it is natural to thy holy, new born heart, to love holiness, as agreeable to the perfections of thy God and Saviour, and as it is suitable to thy present state of blessedness in Christ Jesus. Whence those sighs and sorrows at finding the Canaanites still in the land? Whence those groans and prayers because sin dwelleth in the flesh? Whence those importunate cries and longing requests to Jesus for total victory and perfect freedom from this troublesome inmate? 

Whence that holy joy and sweet complacency in bringing forth "the fruits of holiness?" These are indubitable evidences that thou art united to a holy Jesus, that thy heart is purified by faith, that thou hast a heart cleansed from all sin by Christ's blood. A new heart and right Spirit are put within thee. Thou dost see God in Christ NOW as thy covenant-God. Thou hast received covenant blessings from Him. Rejoice in Him. Shortly, thou shalt see Him and enjoy Him to all eternity in His kingdom and glory. 

Bless'd are the men of broken heart, 

Who mourn for sin with inward smart: 

The blood of Christ divinely flows, 

A healing balm for all their woes. 

Bless'd are the pure, whose hearts are clean, 

From the defiling pow'rs of sin: 

With endless pleasure they shall see, 

A God of spotless purity.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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