Jesus Made Peace by The Blood of His Cross

"Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful." —Colossians 3:15 [KJV]

Every exhortation in the word of grace implies a contrary disposition in the fallen nature of saints. Because thou hast turbulence and disorder in thy flesh, therefore art thou, believer, called upon by the word, to oppose it in the grace of the Spirit. Here is thy daily exercise. We shall surely meet with many things from within and without, which are contrary to the peace of our minds, and the comfort of our hearts. Thou, O man of God, art to flee these things: watch against them; pray for victory over them. Thou hast the most powerful excitements hereto. 

Jesus hath made peace by the blood of His cross. Every disciple is called to the knowledge and enjoyment of it through faith. Called to be of that one body whereof Jesus is the Head. Hence the handwriting of the law of accusation is cancelled in the mind; sin is dethroned in the heart; the clamors of conscience silenced; and sweet peace with God inwardly felt. Dost thou, soul, possess this happy state? What then shall be the umpire? What the determining rule of thy conduct? Live by the word of truth on the Prince of Peace; so shall thy outward actions be governed right. PEACE with God is the fruit of everlasting love. 

Its root was planted in the eternal counsel; it blossoms and bears fruit in the life and death of Jesus; and poor sinners reap the sweet, heartfelt sense of it by faith. Nothing can destroy this heavenly plant; but many things may cause it to droop and wither in sense and experience. LET the peace of God rule. Hence it is plain thou art exposed to many things which may prevent its ruling; those are to be guarded against. While the peace of God rears its head, and rules in the heart, its natural influence is to follow peace with all men. Yea, the peaceful soul embraces every member of the Prince of Peace in the open arms of faith and love. 

And canst thou barter the enjoyment of this rich gem of thy Redeemer's crown, for the gratifications of unbridled passion, unchristian resentment, undue revenge against thy brother? Hath thy Lord dealt so with thee? Has this been the rule of the meek Lamb's conduct? Thou knowest otherwise. "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves." Yes: avenge thyself on the enemy of thy peace. O disciple, thy pride is the cause of anger and passion. 

Here fix all thy indignation. Against this be fired with a holy resentment. A sense of anger will hinder thy prayers. Resentment will shut up thy spirit against gratitude and thankfulness to thy God. O, offer up this sweet sacrifice continually from thy heart. Beware lest the smoke of pride and corruptions cloud thy mind, and darken thy soul. Be humble. Humility is the ground of gratitude. "Remember thy calling, and study to walk worthy of it."—Ephesians 4:1.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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