
Showing posts from June, 2024

Praise the Name of JESUS for ever and ever...

  Son of God, one of the Trinity, Came to earth, a wondrous mystery; He descended by divine decree. O praise His Name!  Chorus   Chorus:   Jesus saved His chosen family, Paid our debt of sin on Calvary; By His grace He saves eternally, O praise His Name.   On the cross He bore our misery, Died from sin to set His people free; By Himself He won the victory, O praise His Name!  Chorus   Now for us the Savior intercedes, Unto Him the Holy Spirit leads; Every blessing from His throne proceeds, O praise His Name!  Chorus   Soon will come the long-awaited day, Christ will come and take His bride away; Never from His blessed side to stray, We’ll praise His Name.  Chorus   Then together in a perfect place, All the ransomed shall behold His face; Evermore to sing amazing grace, And praise His Name!  Chorus     Tune: “At Calvary” w/chorus  Words by Jim Byrd

One Perfect Offering

"By one offering, He hath perfected for ever them who are sanctified." -Hebrews 10:14 [KJV] We have two remarkable instances of St. Paul’s holy zeal for the glory of his Lord. (1st.) Against a gross sin in the church of Corinth. This brought a scandal upon the holy gospel of Christ. (2d.) Against a legal, self-righteous spirit, which obtained in the church of Galatia. This depreciated and dishonoured the finished work of Christ, and perverted the faith of His members. It is hard to say, whether St. Paul’s zeal exceeded most, in the former or the latter. Hence learn profaneness and pride, are equally contrary to the faith of the gospel.  As a holy faith brings Christ, and His salvation into the heart, it casts out the love of sin, as well as self-righteous hopes. Here is a glorious truth for precious faith to fix upon. O that through the Spirit, it may bring joy and peace to our souls. Consider, who are said to be “sanctified” here?  (1st.) Those who are separated

Did the Spirit of God Ever Convince You of Sin?

Do you see yourself liable to the curse of the law, and the just vengeance of God, for the innate depravity of your nature, and the transgressions of your life? Do you come to Christ humbled and self-condemned, sensible that unless you are clothed with the merits of Him, our Elder Brother, you are ruined and undone and can never stand with joy or safety before the holy Lord God? If so, lift up thy head; redemption is thine; thou art in a state of grace; thou art translated from death to life; thou art an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ. But if you never felt, nor desire to feel this work of the Holy Ghost upon thy heart, this conviction of sin, this penitential faith, all the supposed righteousness of thine own, wherein thou trusted is but a broken reed; a painted sepulchre; and the trappings of a Pharisee.  —preacher Augustus Toplady

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 28 June, 2024 A.D.

" I stir up your pure minds, by way of remembrance." -II Peter 3:1 [KJV] All the children of God are the subjects of pure minds. Many of them complain of bad memories. All need to have their minds stirred up, and their memories quickened. There is no doubt but Peter had a pure mind, when he denied his Lord. But he seems to display a very treacherous memory, in sadly forgetting himself, his Lord, and His words. Forgetfulness of dangers, causes us to fall into them. Forgetting our own weakness to stand, causes us to fall.  Consider, (1st.) What is a pure mind. That which we are all destitute of by nature. “Our mind and conscience is defiled, and unbelieving.” (Tit. 1:15.) Our mind is made pure, when our hearts are sprinkled from an evil or guilty conscience, by the blood of Christ through faith. (Heb. 10:22.) So that a pure mind is a believing mind, which receives the truth as it is in Jesus, in the power and purity of it; and holds the mystery of faith in a pure

ALMIGHTY GOD IS SOVEREIGN! greatly rejoice...

Has God decreed all things that come to pass? Then there is nothing that falls out by chance, nor are we to ascribe what we meet with either to good or bad luck and fortune. There are many events in the world which men look upon as mere accidents, yet all these come by the counsel and appointment of Heaven. Solomon tells us, Proverbs 16:33 that "The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD."  However disordered and fortuitous things may be with respect to us, yet they are all determined and directed by the Lord. When that man drew a bow at random (venture), 1 Kings 22:34, it was merely accidental with respect to him, yet it was God that guided the motion of the arrow so as to strike the king of Israel rather than any other man. Nothing then comes to pass, however random and uncertain it may seem to be, but what was decreed by God. . .  Let the people of God comfort themselves in all cases by this doctrine of the divine decrees; a

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 27 June, 2024 A.D.

" I will walk before the L ORD in the land of the living." -Psalm 116:9 [KJV] When the king confers the honour of knighthood, he bestows an empty title, and nothing more. But when the King of saints calls a poor sinner into His presence, He confers on him not a mere title of an empty sound, but he dignifies him with a nature: He makes him a new creature. These two different kinds of spirits are to be avoided.  (1st.) Such as under a great shew of holiness, deny the fundamental doctrines of grace. (2d.) Those who make a vile abuse of those doctrines. In the former pride reigns. Over the latter, lusts have the dominion. David reproves both. Under the lively sense of distinguishing mercy and sovereign grace, he here makes a holy resolution. “Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.” What then? Now all is safe and well, I will flee to the tents of ungodliness, and gratify my lusts. Is this his language? No, nor his con

The Wednesday Word ~ 26 June, 2024 A.D.

“NO,” A POWERFUL LITTLE WORD by D.G. Miles McKee There is a 2-letter word which occurs oftentimes in Scripture: it is the little word “ No .” So, let´s just pause for a moment and look at four of the times this powerful little word occurs in the Bible. May the Lord grant us understanding as we consider them. 1)  Firstly, in the Book of Psalms we read, "The fool has said in his heart,  there is   no   God.” (Psalm 53.1). Notice that the words "  there is  " in this verse are in italics.  That means they have been added by the translators.  So, in the original language the verse simply reads, “the fool has said no God.” Observe the man who lives like there is no God. He´s a fool.  It matters not how brilliant people say he is; God says he is a fool. He prefers his wisdom to God´s wisdom. He´s a fool. He lives without accountability to God. He´s a fool.  In his supposed wisdom he disregards the heavenly gift of Christ. He is a fool! He often says we should live the


" Saw ye Him whom my soul loveth?" -Song of Solomon 3:3 [KJV] An abrupt question. Very oddly stated. Had this enquirer no name for her beloved? Can she suppose every one she asks, knew who was the beloved of her soul, and was acquainted with her loss of him? The spouse of Christ here seems to be in great discomposure of mind. Just like a tender mother, who had lost the beloved son of her womb: or an affectionate wife, in search after an indulgent husband; thinking every one has heard of her distress, asks with the utmost eagerness, Have you seen him?  O for more of this love of Christ in our souls! Observe here, the actings of a gracious heart, under the sense of Christ’s withdrawing His comforting presence. That Christ, for wise and good ends best known to Himself, doth withdraw Himself, is a truth that has been experienced by all His saints. You have not been long married to Christ, if you have not taken up the words of the church of old, “Verily Thou art a God


" Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content." -I Timothy 6:8 [KJV] Man wants but little: that little not long. But unbelief multiplies our wants, and magnifies our discontent. God rains down manna. The people are delighted with it; but are not content to trust God for the morrow’s supply. They gathered more than would serve for one day. What was the consequence? “It bred worms and stank” (Exodus 16:20.)  Here distrust and unbelief prevailed, and abundance begot discontent. O ye rich and great, is it not so with you? And thou, O my soul, thy pittance is more than St. Paul here requires. Art thou content? No riches, without Christ, and the riches of His grace, can bring content to the mind. But when Christ vouchsafes to fulfil that precious word, (Revelation 2:17,) “I will give to eat of the hidden manna,” then we shall have heart content, though we have no more coats than backs, and but just food enough to satisfy our hunger.  For faith supplies all

LORD JESUS Christ ~ Our Exceeding Great Reward

" For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." -I Timothy 6:10 [KJV] How hard to persuade a man, that there is any evil in that which he loves! Evil in money! what evil can there be in that which will purchase all things? Truly, we may say of money as one said of a pack of cards. Being asked, what harm there is in them? replied, None at all: they are very innocent things, if you will not meddle with them. So is money. But there is a curse in the love of it. There is the root of all evil. What mighty ills have not been done by this? Why, the love of money will dethrone God in the heart, and make a man an idolater. “Covetousness is idolatry” (Colossians 3:5.)   Can there in all the world be a greater evil than this? Is not this the root of all evil? Do not all evils spring from hence? Love of money was the same in the apostle’s days as it is now.

A View to Our LORD's Glory

" Lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing." -Luke 22:35 [KJV] Precious words to me! One is unwilling to speak of oneself. There is danger of pride and self-seeking in it. Yet, with a view to our Lord’s glory, a sincere desire to exalt His grace and goodness, and to encourage fellow Christians’ confidence therein, a poor sinner may speak of his experience. With tears of thankfulness, I record the goodness of my Lord to the chief of sinners. Upwards of twenty years ago, when it pleased Him to call me by His grace, and make me happy in His love, my name was cast out—friends became foes—their hands were against me—they withdrew their favours from me, and derided me.  Under narrow circumstances, tender feelings for a large family, carnal reasonings of my corrupt nature, and strong temptations from the enemy, I was often sore distressed. But my Lord was gracious. Many, and many a time, did He bring this text to my mind; and, as it were, with all love and tendernes


" The secret of the L ORD is with them who fear Him; and He will shew them His covenant." -Psalm 25:14 [KJV] Who would trust the secrets of his heart with an avowed enemy? David could reveal all that was in him to Jonathan. Why? Because he was his loving, faithful friend. He could trust his very life in his hands. There was a secret between them two, which no one else was privy to. When Jonathan shot the arrows as a signal to David, even the lad that gathered them up, “Knew not any thing; only Jonathan and David knew the matter” (I Samuel 20:39.) Some professors are like this lad. The Lord will not trust them with His secret: they would abuse it.  It is common to hear such lads in religion say, Well, if I were sure that God loved me with an everlasting love, had chosen me from eternity, and would keep me by His power, through faith unto salvation, what need I care how I live? Do not such discover that they are strangers to the love and fear of the friends of


"Drop down, ye heavens, from above; and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together: I the L ORD have created it." -Isaiah 45:8 [KJV] Some speak very profanely against the councils and decrees of God. This proceeds from carnal reason and ignorance of divine truths. “...there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets” (Daniel 2:28.) The Scriptures are a revelation of the mind and will, council, decrees, and covenant purposes of the Lord. They contain things new and old. The new covenant of grace in Christ Jesus, as well as the old covenant of works with our first parent. Hence, it is the delight of God’s children to search the records of their heavenly Father.  To believe them in their hearts, is a certain evidence of their being His new-born sons and adopted children in Christ. Here is a precious portion for thee to feed upon to-night. Sensible that thou hast lost thy

To Whom be honour and power everlasting, Amen

" Thy Maker is thine Husband, the L ORD of Hosts is His name, and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel: the God of the whole earth shall He be called." -Isaiah 54:5 [KJV] In this one verse, is a trinity of comforts. All are enjoyed in the unity of faith. The Spirit bears witness of them. Let our hearts attend to them. Consider, (1st.) thou sin-distressed, law-accursed, Satan-accused soul, Thy Maker is thine husband. Glorious gospel! Faith, listen; love, awake; hope, rejoice. In the Hebrew, Thy Makers thy husband ; Father, Son, and Spirit.  The triune God, Who made thee, is married to thee, and in covenant with thee. How is this relation effected? God the Son comes into our nature; takes upon Him our flesh. We are peculiarly espoused to Christ. (1st.) By His ministers. Says St. Paul, “I have espoused you to Christ” (II Corinthians 11:2.) (2d.) Experimentally, by faith. We know nothing of the loving, eternal designs of Christ to our souls, till, by the grace of