Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 27 June, 2024 A.D.

"I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living." -Psalm 116:9 [KJV]

When the king confers the honour of knighthood, he bestows an empty title, and nothing more. But when the King of saints calls a poor sinner into His presence, He confers on him not a mere title of an empty sound, but he dignifies him with a nature: He makes him a new creature. These two different kinds of spirits are to be avoided. 

(1st.) Such as under a great shew of holiness, deny the fundamental doctrines of grace. (2d.) Those who make a vile abuse of those doctrines. In the former pride reigns. Over the latter, lusts have the dominion. David reproves both. Under the lively sense of distinguishing mercy and sovereign grace, he here makes a holy resolution. “Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.” What then? Now all is safe and well, I will flee to the tents of ungodliness, and gratify my lusts. Is this his language? No, nor his conduct neither. 

Many would be ashamed to say so, but are not [ashamed] to do so. But hearts truly alive to God, under the influence of Christ, are as dead to this conduct, as to the language. “I will walk.” Not lie down to rest in supine indolence, and indulge carnal sloth; but be in motion and activity for God and his glory. “Before the Lord.” 

(1st.) In humility, knowing He sees how imperfectly I am in all I do. (2d.) In peace and joy, believing I am accepted in the Beloved—my sins freely pardoned, and my soul fully justified in the blood and righteousness of the Lamb. This is the walk of faith. So we enjoy the sense of peace, the comforts of love, the jealousy of fear, and the prospect of hope. “In the land of the living;” among living and lively saints: not with spiritually dead, or formally alive souls: not in the land of riot, among the scenes of vanity, upon the devil’s enchanted ground. But in the land of light, liberty and love, where the Sun of righteousness shines, and “the voice of the turtle-dove is heard,” (Song of Solomon 2:12.) 

The loving Saviour speaking affectionately to the soul. O believer, as you value the sense of God’s peace, and the comforts of His Spirit: as you dread a hell in your conscience, distress in your soul, the hidings of God’s face, the terrors of the law, and the tauntings of Satan, be careful of your walk: be watchful over your conduct. O study to keep Christ in the eye of your faith: His love in the view of your soul: His heaven in the prospect of your hope, and His glory the end of all, looking and praying for His grace to enable you to perform all this. 


While Christ the Lord, dwells in my heart, 

It makes me walk in love: 

By faith, I know I have a part 

In promis’d joys above. 

Then, O my soul forsake the ways 

Of folly, sloth, and sin: 

Walk now before thy Saviour’s face, 

His grace abounds within.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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