"Drop down, ye heavens, from above; and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together: I the LORD have created it." -Isaiah 45:8 [KJV]

Some speak very profanely against the councils and decrees of God. This proceeds from carnal reason and ignorance of divine truths. “...there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets” (Daniel 2:28.) The Scriptures are a revelation of the mind and will, council, decrees, and covenant purposes of the Lord. They contain things new and old. The new covenant of grace in Christ Jesus, as well as the old covenant of works with our first parent. Hence, it is the delight of God’s children to search the records of their heavenly Father. 

To believe them in their hearts, is a certain evidence of their being His new-born sons and adopted children in Christ. Here is a precious portion for thee to feed upon to-night. Sensible that thou hast lost thy original righteousness, in which thou wast created, behold, O soul, from whence it is restored. Not from the earth: it comes from above: by the decrees of the Lord, the heavens and the skies pour it down. 

The Lord spake, and it was done: He commanded, and it was brought forth. When righteousness had forsaken the earth, lo, The LORD our righteousness came down from heaven, to fulfil all righteousness for us, and to bestow an everlasting righteousness upon us. He came down to us as rain, as the former and the latter rain unto the earth (Hosea 6:3.) 

Let the earth open. The Lord from heaven was made of a woman: formed in the lowest parts of the earth. Let them bring forth salvation. What then? Heaven and Earth united: God and man in one Christ. This is the way in which righteousness comes to unrighteous sinners. So salvation comes to perishing sinners. Both spring up together in the God-man, Jesus. I the Lord have created it. See, O sinner, and be humble. Thou hast no hand in this matter. Canst thou create or give being to any thing? Pride, avaunt! No: creation is the Lord’s work only. 

Jesus is the Author of righteousness: He, the alone Finisher of salvation. Rejoice in this new and glorious creation of righteousness and salvation. Faith receives it: hope cleaves to it: peace is obtained by it: joy springs from it. Love is excited to the righteousness of a Saviour, while the humbled sinner is kept in his right place, at Jesus’ feet. Now, if this heavenly blessing has been rained down upon thy soul, it will be alive to God, spring up in His service, and bring forth fruit to His glory. 

What! if righteousness is poured upon thee from heaven, wilt thou continue dead in sin? No: you will approve the things which are excellent, and pray to be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ to the glory of God, Philippians 1:11.

-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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