"Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content." -I Timothy 6:8 [KJV]

Man wants but little: that little not long. But unbelief multiplies our wants, and magnifies our discontent. God rains down manna. The people are delighted with it; but are not content to trust God for the morrow’s supply. They gathered more than would serve for one day. What was the consequence? “It bred worms and stank” (Exodus 16:20.) 

Here distrust and unbelief prevailed, and abundance begot discontent. O ye rich and great, is it not so with you? And thou, O my soul, thy pittance is more than St. Paul here requires. Art thou content? No riches, without Christ, and the riches of His grace, can bring content to the mind. But when Christ vouchsafes to fulfil that precious word, (Revelation 2:17,) “I will give to eat of the hidden manna,” then we shall have heart content, though we have no more coats than backs, and but just food enough to satisfy our hunger. 

For faith supplies all. It brings the supplier of all into our hearts. There we feed upon Him by faith. The supply of our wants does not fix content in the mind. Most of them are not real, but imaginary. As wants increase, so does discontent. That cruel something unpossest Corrodes and leavens all the rest. True content arises, from the mind being brought to our state. Have we little or much? The Lord gave it. He sees best to give no more. When His will is the law, the mind is content. See St. Paul’s reasons for content. 

(1st.) Look back to your birth. “We brought nothing into the world.” If we have nothing, we have all we were born with. 

(2d.) Look forward to your death. “It is certain we can carry nothing out of it.” Think of your naked birth, and naked death. All we possess, we shall soon leave behind. Would you be rich? 

(3d.) St. Paul says, this is to fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil. O for Agur’s prayer: “Give not riches” -Proverbs 30:8. 

(4th.) What is the greatest gain? Godliness with contentment. Having Christ for your food, and His righteousness your raiment, brings true content of mind. One who had nothing but bread and water, cried out in an ecstasy, what all this and Christ too! Learn more to live by faith on the Son of God. All God’s promises are yours in Him. This one is enough to silence murmurings, and quell the risings of discontent. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” Hebrews 13:5. 


Then what avails my anxious care 

For all things here below; 

If in God’s promises I share, 

I’d all things else forego.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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