"Saw ye Him whom my soul loveth?" -Song of Solomon 3:3 [KJV]

An abrupt question. Very oddly stated. Had this enquirer no name for her beloved? Can she suppose every one she asks, knew who was the beloved of her soul, and was acquainted with her loss of him? The spouse of Christ here seems to be in great discomposure of mind. Just like a tender mother, who had lost the beloved son of her womb: or an affectionate wife, in search after an indulgent husband; thinking every one has heard of her distress, asks with the utmost eagerness, Have you seen him? 

O for more of this love of Christ in our souls! Observe here, the actings of a gracious heart, under the sense of Christ’s withdrawing His comforting presence. That Christ, for wise and good ends best known to Himself, doth withdraw Himself, is a truth that has been experienced by all His saints. You have not been long married to Christ, if you have not taken up the words of the church of old, “Verily Thou art a God who hidest Thyself, O God of Israel the Saviour” (Isaiah 45:15.) 

How does this affect you? O say some, we do not live upon our frames. Your frames! We are speaking of living upon Christ, and enjoying His presence: sweet intercourse, fellowship, complacency, and delight in and with Him. If you are contented to live from day to day quite easy, careless and unconcerned, without this, you have got into a very bad frame indeed. It is most plain, your heart is taken up with some other vain and worthless lovers. Yea, it is much to be doubted, whether such hearts ever were in a right frame with Christ; for to loving souls, Christ’s presence is their heaven; His absence causes a hell of uneasiness in their minds. 

Now here is a sure evidence, whether your heart is towards Christ, or the world: your face towards heaven or hell. But do you say, it is the grief and burden of my soul, that I have lost the sense of my Lord’s love and presence? If so, He has still left His love in thine heart. He still dwells there by faith. Seek for Him. Inquire after Him. Was He found of thee at first, when thou soughtest Him not? He will not live in heaven without thee. He will not let thee live on earth, without again refreshing thy soul with the manifestation of His presence. 

Mark this gracious word to disconsolate seekers, “Fear not ye, for ye seek Jesus” (Matthew 28:5.) For mind, though the spouse had lost sight of Christ, her soul loves Him. Still she says, “HIM whom my soul loveth.” Here is the evidence of a heart truly converted to Christ. In the darkest seasons, and under the greatest distresses, there is love to Christ, and breathings after Him. “The upright love Thee.” -Song of Solomon 1:4 


Ah, when of Christ we have lost sight, 

We should for Him inquire; 

‘Tis like a dark and stormy night, 

To lose our heart’s ‘desire. 

‘Tis He creates our heav’n within, 

We hence His presence love: 

He frees our souls from guilt and sin, 

And gives us joys to prove.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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