The Wednesday Word ~ 26 June, 2024 A.D.


by D.G. Miles McKee

There is a 2-letter word which occurs oftentimes in Scripture: it is the little word “No.” So, let´s just pause for a moment and look at four of the times this powerful little word occurs in the Bible. May the Lord grant us understanding as we consider them.

1)  Firstly, in the Book of Psalms we read, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.” (Psalm 53.1). Notice that the words " there is " in this verse are in italics.  That means they have been added by the translators.  So, in the original language the verse simply reads, “the fool has said no God.”

Observe the man who lives like there is no God. He´s a fool.  It matters not how brilliant people say he is; God says he is a fool.

He prefers his wisdom to God´s wisdom.

He´s a fool.

He lives without accountability to God.

He´s a fool. 

In his supposed wisdom he disregards the heavenly gift of Christ.

He is a fool!

He often says we should live the best way we can and help our fellow man. Good for him!

But he´s a fool:


Because he says there is no God.

He pats himself on the back and congratulates himself for his supposed good deeds, but he´s a fool!

2)  Next, we encounter another powerful “No” We read, “There is none righteous, no not one." (Romans 3:10). If our confidence and trust is in our supposed righteousness, it is a false trust.  It is a rubber crutch, and we will perish.  Here´s the gospel truth, God's righteousness has been fully revealed in Christ, and He, therefore, will have none of ours. We must submit ourselves to His righteousness alone.

Now, here´s more gospel truth.  The only righteous people before God are those who have by faith received the righteousness of Christ as their own. It matters not how many good deeds they have done; if they do not have the righteousness of Christ imputed to them they have no acceptable righteousness before God.

3)  Then in Isaiah we discover another “No.” There we read, "I, even I, am the Lord: and beside Me there is “no” saviour" (Isaiah 43:11). Notice again that the two words “there is” are in italics.  Seeing the way many people live we would think that such a scripture had never been written. Alas, many are trusting in their own righteousness and morality instead of to Christ alone as their only Saviour!

But what could be plainer than this precious truth? - “Beside Me there is no saviour.” This is the powerful declaration of the Lord Himself, the One who could say, “I, even I, am the Lord.”  He came into the world as the Saviour, saying plainly, “If you believe not that I am He, you shall die in your sins” (John 8:24). But this is not all.

He gave Himself a ransom for us (1 Timothy 2:6). He laid down His life for us. His precious blood was shed for us. And now He lives again and has risen and sits on the Throne of God for us.  This is He who is declared to be the Saviour and there is no Saviour beside Him.  Have you trusted Him for your destiny?

4)   Finally, what is the result of trusting Jesus as your Saviour? Here it is, “There is now therefore “no” condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” What a wonderful truth, believers are completely delivered both now and for ever from all condemnation and damnation. Christ Himself has taken the believer's place on the cross and borne our judgment once for all and now we are in Him.


The fool has said there is No God.

There is none No not one righteous.

There is No Saviour but Christ.

There is No Condemnation for those in Christ.

And that´s the Gospel Truth!


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