A View to Our LORD's Glory

"Lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing." -Luke 22:35 [KJV]

Precious words to me! One is unwilling to speak of oneself. There is danger of pride and self-seeking in it. Yet, with a view to our Lord’s glory, a sincere desire to exalt His grace and goodness, and to encourage fellow Christians’ confidence therein, a poor sinner may speak of his experience. With tears of thankfulness, I record the goodness of my Lord to the chief of sinners. Upwards of twenty years ago, when it pleased Him to call me by His grace, and make me happy in His love, my name was cast out—friends became foes—their hands were against me—they withdrew their favours from me, and derided me. 

Under narrow circumstances, tender feelings for a large family, carnal reasonings of my corrupt nature, and strong temptations from the enemy, I was often sore distressed. But my Lord was gracious. Many, and many a time, did He bring this text to my mind; and, as it were, with all love and tenderness, asked me, Lackedst thou any thing? I was constrained with gratitude to reply, Nothing, Lord. Christ is a most precious Master to serve! I have proved it. O! trust the Lord, ye His saints: for they who trust Him lack nothing. 

So these disciples found it, though sent out in want of every thing. The hearts of all men are in the Lord’s hands. He will open them, to administer to the wants of His people. O for stronger faith in Him, greater love to Him, and more ardent desires to please Him. We have here a reproof; against all that care and anxiety about the things of this life, which so often distress our minds. What shall we say to the spirit and conduct of many professors? They have all the same anxious cares and solicitous concerns about the world, which the men of it have. But Christ charges us, Take no thought for your life, neither be doubtful of mind, etc. (see Luke 12:22, 29.) 

Do they act as if they ever heard, or give the least credit to Christ? O! say they, we must do our duty, and provide for our families. God forbid any Christian should neglect this! But must we therefore act like those who know not God? Plainly, such will be rich. They are anxious to get a fortune: they want to be independent. Of whom? Of God. Start not! This spirit works in us all. Over some it prevails. They do not like to live so dependent on God, as every day to come to Him with, “Give us this day our daily bread.” 

O! there is more atheism and infidelity in the pursuit of such than they are aware of. How many have forsaken Christ for the love of the world! They who will be rich, fall into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in perdition (see I Timothy 6:9.) “The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him" Lamentations 3:24.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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