Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 28 June, 2024 A.D.

"I stir up your pure minds, by way of remembrance." -II Peter 3:1 [KJV]

All the children of God are the subjects of pure minds. Many of them complain of bad memories. All need to have their minds stirred up, and their memories quickened. There is no doubt but Peter had a pure mind, when he denied his Lord. But he seems to display a very treacherous memory, in sadly forgetting himself, his Lord, and His words. Forgetfulness of dangers, causes us to fall into them. Forgetting our own weakness to stand, causes us to fall. 

Consider, (1st.) What is a pure mind. That which we are all destitute of by nature. “Our mind and conscience is defiled, and unbelieving.” (Tit. 1:15.) Our mind is made pure, when our hearts are sprinkled from an evil or guilty conscience, by the blood of Christ through faith. (Heb. 10:22.) So that a pure mind is a believing mind, which receives the truth as it is in Jesus, in the power and purity of it; and holds the mystery of faith in a pure conscience. 

(2d.) Such pure minds want stirring up. Do not you find it so day by day? Alas! how prone are we to neglect, forget, and let slip out of our minds, the glorious truths and precious promises of our Lord? Then we grow weak in faith, dejected in hope, cold in love, and negligent in duty. This is not right. It is an offence to our Lord, and uncomfortable to our own souls. It is neither a fit frame to live, or die in. When a fire burns dead, we stir it, to promote flame and heat. Lord grant that our souls may not burn dead, but flame in love to Thee. 

(3d.) “I stir up.” Could St. Peter stir up their minds? Doubtless, instrumentally. Beware of that cursed notion, which genders to sloth, because you have not the power to do any spiritual act effectually, that therefore you may neglect the means. St. Paul calls on Timothy, “Stir up the gift of God that is in thee” (II Timothy 1:6.) He could, and so we ought, as those alive to God, use the means, and look to God’s power to bless them. This is the genuine actings of a lively faith. 

(4th.) The manner of doing this. “By way of remembrance.” Refreshing the memory, is stirring up the mind. Says St. Peter, “I think it meet as long as I am in this tabernacle to do this.” We have all need of it. We ought also to stir up our own, and one another’s mind, by word, and epistles, of free grace truths, everlasting love, and precious promises of God in Christ to sinners: of His finished salvation for them: the eternal glory which awaits them, and which they shall soon enjoy in His kingdom. The Lord help us thus to stir up each other’s minds, while in these tabernacles. 


Come Christians, stir each others’ minds, 

Lest slothfulness prevail: 

O think and speak of Christ’s designs, 

Whose grace shall never fail.  

We ought to help each other’s faith, 

And hope and joy in God: 

Attend to what the Spirit saith 

And spread Christ’s fame abroad.  


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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