The Sole Work of the Son of God

"For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect." -Romans 4:14 [KJV]

Who are of the law? The openly professed Jew only? Nay, verily; but every man, who has the faith and hope of a Jew, he is of the law. What is their faith and hope? Every man’s hope is of the same nature as his faith. A Jew believes, that he is to seek for righteousness and life by the works of the law—that on account of his obedience to it, he hopes he shall be an heir of life and glory. Well, but the Jews totally reject Christ, says one, but I do not. I believe Christ died for the sins of the whole world; that I am justified, and pardoned through His blood now; and that at the last day, I shall be justified, and entitled to God’s kingdom, for the sake of my good works: that there is first a justification by faith, and a second justification by works. 

Take knowledge of thyself. Thou art of the law, and under the law, and expectest to be an heir of eternal life by the law. Whatever thou professest of faith in Christ, it is not the faith of the gospel. It does not own Christ the Saviour. This is a perilous, creature-exalting notion. It degrades grace. It debases Christ. It dwells only in proud hearts, legal minds, and self-righteous spirits. It awfully prevails in our day. The heirs of grace should oppose it. For, if those of the law be heirs, on any account of works, what then? Faith is made void. 

Faith fixes upon the sole work of the Son of God. By faith we become joint-heirs with Christ, enter in and possess the hope of eternal life. We are in actual possession of it. Hence we are filled with joy and peace in believing. That soul, who is striving by any works or doings of his own, to make himself an heir of, and get a title to God’s kingdom, he sets aside Christ: he makes faith void. He is far under the law, and the promise is made of none effect. 

Such have no regard to, nor reliance upon it. It has no effect upon their faith and hope. It is not their object. But this is the language of the heirs of faith, this the confidence of their hope, this the joy of their souls; and their faith and hope, and joy, are founded upon the immutable promise of a faithful, unchangeable Jehovah. “In hope of eternal life, which God, Who cannot lie, promised before the world began." -Titus 1:2. 


Am I an heir of life thro’ faith? 

To Jesus then I’ll ever cleave, 

And claim the precious words by faith, 

To wretched sinners who believe. 

The gospel grace of God’s dear Son, 

Brings to my soul a better plea, 

Than works of law which I have done— 

Hence to the sinner’s Friend I flee.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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