The Glory of JESUS is Great in Your Salvation

"His glory is great in thy salvation; honour and majesty hast thou laid upon him; for thou hast made him most blessed for ever." -Psalm 21:5, 6 [KJV]

My soul, it is the most delightful of all thoughts, when at any time thou art solacing thyself in the glories of thy Redeemer, to call to mind that God the Father is glorified, while thou art made happy in the salvation thy Jesus hath accomplished by His blood and righteousness. It is indeed God the Father which called Jesus to the office and character of the Redeemer, and furnished Him with all suitable requisites for the vast work He called Him to do. But the glory and honour of Jehovah were the first and great object of the Redeemer's work; and hence Jesus, in the days of His flesh, never speaks of His own glory, but as in connection with, and leading to the glory of Jehovah. Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in Him! Father! glorify Thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify Thee.

Hence, therefore, when Jehovah laid honour and majesty upon the blessed Jesus, and made Him most blessed for ever; all these things were to the Father's honour and glory: and never was God the Father's glory more great than in and by the salvation of His dear Son Christ Jesus. See, my soul! I charge it upon thee, that thou never lose sight of this precious view of God thy Father's glory, in thy redemption by thy adorable Redeemer. Say continually, and dwell with rapture on the blessed subject: My God, my Father in Christ Jesus, is glorified, yea, greatly glorified in His dear Son, in that He hath wrought out such a salvation as brings more glory to God the Father than all the works of His creation; and it is to the honour and glory of Jehovah, that poor sinners should be saved in this blessed way of His own appointing.

And shall I not then come to Him in and through Jesus? Shall I not delight to tell my God and Father how great His glory is in the salvation by Jesus? Shall I not bless and glorify my God and Father in being the Author and Giver of such great salvation? Yea, most blessed God and Father! I do bless Thee, I do praise Thee, I desire to love Thee, in and through Jesus. And while my whole soul is going out in enjoyments on the person, and work, and offices, and relations of Jesus; always would I keep in view, and connect with it, in the enjoyment, that it is Thou, most gracious and almighty Father, that hast made Him most blessed for ever. Surely then, Thy glory is great in His salvation! And the glory of the Son of God is great in thy salvation!


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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