The Power & Love of our Heavenly Friend, JESUS

"Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatsoever thy soul desireth, I will even do it for thee." -I Samuel 20:4 [KJV]

Such is the language of generous love, and sincere friendship. There never was a greater instance of it, subsisting between men, than between Jonathan and David. Poor David was in great distress. Saul sought his life. He flies to his friend Jonathan, opens his whole heart to him, and solemnly assures him, “As thy soul liveth, there is but one step between me and death.” On which, Jonathan thus declares his love and faithfulness. “Whatsoever thy soul desireth, I will even do it for thee.” How must David’s heart be affected by this noble, this loving promise! O Christian, here is somewhat very similar to thine own case. 

Consider, (1st.) There is but a step between thee and death. Thou knowest not how soon thy last step may be taken. What friend hast thou to go to? Verily, the King’s Son, the Son of God. As Jonathan signifies, given of the Lord: so Jesus is the gift of the Lord, to be a friend and a Saviour to all His Davids; to all His beloved people. 

(2d.) Great as the love, sincere as the friendship of Jonathan was; yet the love and friendship of Jesus infinitely exceeds it. Jonathan never laid down his life for his friend David. Jesus did for all His beloved: and He gives them this full and precious promise, “Whatsoever ye ask in My name, that will I do, (John 14:13.) 

(3d.) The power, as well as the love of our heavenly Friend Jesus, infinitely exceeds Jonathan’s. His love might wish to do that for David, which his power was not able to effect. But not so with Christ. His power is as great as His love, and neither knows measure nor end. 

(4th.) Was David happy in having such a friend, in whose bosom he could pour his sorrows, and upon whose love he could trust his concerns? Infinitely more happy art thou, O Christian, thou beloved of the Lord. Does thy soul desire heaven below and heaven above in the enjoyment of Christ? “He is able to do exceedingly abundant above all we can ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, (Ephesians 3:20.) 

Blessed be the day, I ever knew this beloved Friend. All power in heaven and earth is committed to our friend Jesus. Seeing this is so, why art not thou certainly happy, in such a friend as Christ is? Why, You entertain base suspicions of His love, by unbelief. Therefore, You do not prove His love and His power, by coming freely to Him, and telling Him thy sorrows, as David did to Jonathan. Ye have not, because ye ask not, see James 4:2


How sweet upon our Saviour’s love 

Daily to meditate! 

It brings down comfort from above, 

And doth to heav’n translate.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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