The Putrid Cup of Tolerance: When Evil Poses as Progress

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: He preserveth the souls of His saints; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked." -Psalm 97:10 [KJV]

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil."

Thomas Mann's chilling words pierce through the fog of modern moral relativism like a shard of ice. It's a warning that echoes through the blood-soaked pages of history, a truth we ignore at our peril.

The Seduction of False Neutrality

We live in an age where tolerance is held up as the supreme virtue, the golden idol before which we must all bow. We're told to accept everything, question nothing, and embrace a faux-unity that sacrifices truth on the altar of political correctness. But what happens when this tolerance becomes a blindfold, obscuring the stark reality of evil lurking in our midst?

Like a ravenous wolf, evil doesn't care for our carefully crafted social constructs. It doesn't respect boundaries, it doesn't play fair, and it certainly doesn't give a damn about your feelings. It thrives in the shadows, feeding on our apathy and cowardice, growing stronger with every compromise we make.

Tolerating the Intolerable

The Bible is a battle cry against evil. From the very first pages, where Satan tempts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-6, KJV), to the book of Revelation, with its graphic portrayal of the ultimate battle between good and evil (Revelation 19:11-21, KJV), the Scriptures paint a clear picture of the destructive nature of evil and the unwavering call to resist it. It calls us to expose, resist, and fight it with every fiber of our being. When we tolerate evil, we become complicit in its destruction. We give it a platform, a voice, a foothold from which to spread its poison.

Remember Sodom and Gomorrah, cities consumed by fire and brimstone for their wickedness (Genesis 19:24-25, KJV)? Their sin wasn't simply tolerated; it was celebrated, normalized, woven into the very fabric of their society. The result? Utter annihilation.

A Call to Righteous Anger

Jesus Himself, the embodiment of love, wasn't afraid to overturn the tables of the money changers in the temple, His righteous anger blazing like a wildfire (John 2:13-17, KJV). He didn't tolerate the exploitation of His Father's house; He took a whip to it.

That's the kind of righteous anger we need today. Not the petty, self-righteous rage of the internet troll, but a holy fury that burns against injustice, against oppression, against the trampling of innocent lives.

Tolerance isn't a virtue when it means turning a blind eye to the suffering of others. It's not noble to remain silent when evil parades itself in the streets, draped in the rainbow flag of "tolerance."

The Warrior's Stance

We're not called to be doormats, folks. We're called to be warriors, armed with the truth of God's Word and fueled by a righteous anger that refuses to back down.

We must:

  • Discern: Learn to recognize evil for what it is, not what the world tells us it is. Don't be fooled by its seductive disguises or its promises of "progress."

  • Resist: Speak out against evil, even when it's unpopular. Don't be afraid to call a spade a spade, to name sin for what it is, and to stand firm in your convictions.

  • Fight: Don't just talk the talk; walk the walk. Get involved in the fight for righteousness. Support those on the frontlines, expose the darkness, and work tirelessly to build a better world.

In a world that increasingly celebrates evil, let us be the ones who refuse to tolerate it. Let us be warriors for truth, defenders of the innocent, and champions of a God who demands justice and righteousness.

-author unknown


Popeye said…
Keep up the good fight Billy!
Billy said…
The LORD JESUS Christ be magnified for ever and ever! Grateful for your encouraging message, Pop-eye. "Salvation is of the LORD." -Jonah 2:9c [KJV] He will never leave nor forsake us. Cheers...
Greg Wilson said…
Excellent thoughts, my dear brother!
Billy said…
Thanks kindly for posting, dear bro Greg.

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