Let Us Believe God

“The wages of sin is death…and sin, when it is finished bringeth forth death.”  -Romans 6:23 & James 1:15 [KJV]

            Satan will always try to hide the true price of sin.  When tempted, let us believe God.  Sin only has one end, Death. The blood bought child of God will never experience eternal death for their sin,  Christ bore that for them.  However, sin always brings with it a death sentence of one sort or another.  It brings the death of joy, comfort, peace and assurance. It often costs the death of relationships, even marriages. It can bring the death of one’s testimony. Some sins even cause the death of the physical body. One way or the other sin only has one end. Death. Satan is a liar. He always hides a hook in the bait of sin.                                                                          


–preacher Greg Elmquist


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