DIVINE BLESSINGS – They Just Keep Coming

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3, KJV).  

Rowland Hill was a gospel preacher in London, England in the mid 1800’s.  It is said that a kind and generous person in his congregation gave him a hundred pounds ($125.00 in US currency) to be distributed to a poor country preacher, a little at a time.  The pastor sent five pounds in an envelope with a short note to the needy preacher that simply read “More to follow.”  After a few days, he sent him five more pounds, again with a note which read “More to follow.”  In a few days’ time, the country preacher received another envelope containing another five pounds, with the same motto, “And more to follow.”  This continued till the entire amount had been received and the astonished preacher was well familiar with the cheerful words, “More to follow;” they were imprinted in his memory.

Children of God, we read that we were blessed in Christ before the world began with “all spiritual blessings” (Ephesians 1:3).  Each day is filled with good things from our kind and generous Lord Who gave us Christ and in Him all things.  Every day we are reminded that He gives us daily blessings that we enjoy and each one comes to us with the same soul-cheering note, “And more to follow.”  It is as though the Lord has said to us, “I gave you to Christ in sovereign, eternal love, but there’s more to follow.”  “I have adopted you into my family, but there’s more to follow.”


“Through the bloody sacrifice of My Son, I have forgiven you of all your sins and will remember them no more, but there’s more to follow.” “You have My abiding presence with you always, but there’s more to follow.”  “I give you sufficient grace to help in time of need, but there’s more to follow.”  “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, but there’s more to follow.”  “Yea, when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will be with thee, but there’s more to follow.”  And the Savior says to us, “Someday I will receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye will be also, but rest assured, there is an eternity of blessings that will follow!”


The hundred pounds designated for the needy preacher eventually ran out, but the blessings of the Lord to His needy children will never be exhausted.  Child of God, always keep in mind, “There’s more to follow!” 

                                                                                                                                      -preacher Jim Byrd                                                            


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