Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 22 September, 2024 A.D.

"If ye do these things, ye shall never fall." -II Peter 1:10 [KJV]

What things? add to your faith every Christian grace and good work. If ye live in the exercise of grace, and the discharge of duty, ye shall never fall. But it is here plainly implied, if ye do not these things, ye certainly will fall. How fall? Into all manner of sin; yea, and into hell too, if the Lord Christ keep you not. But He most assuredly will keep all His sheep from thus falling. For He hath said, They shall never perish—I give unto them eternal life. But what evidence can any one have that he is Christ’s sheep, if he do not hear His voice, and obey His word? 

My dear fellow-sinner, deceive not thy own soul. Beware of corrupt notions, and unscriptural ideas. It is most true, salvation is sure. Every one who believes in Christ shall most assuredly be saved. But surely there is such a thing, as living and walking close with Christ—cleaving to Him with full purpose of heart, cheerfully obeying Him in love, and studying to glorify Him in righteousness and true holiness. And there is such a thing also, as falling away from this lively exercise of grace, this firm stedfastness in the faith of Christ, and this warm love to Christ. Hence, great dishonour is brought upon the Lord—great grief to His dear disciples, and great darkness and distress upon the souls of such professors. 

Is it not to be dreaded, to have Christ withdraw Himself? to have guilt, and fear, and terror, let loose upon thy conscience, while the enemy is saying, Where is now thy God, thy Saviour, thy salvation? Peter thus fell: David thus fell: saints, in all ages, have thus fallen. They have told us, and the sinner who writes these words can tell thee, somewhat of the gall and wormwood of this falling. Are you ready to say, This is very legal and very terrifying? Not legal. For this text is an evangelical exhortation. Much of the preciousness of gospel salvation lies in it. It is a mean to keep from falling: it is a spur to final perseverance. 

As to terror: take warning by the assertion, and thou hast nothing to dread from the circumstance. Absolute declarations of salvation are to strengthen the faith, and comfort the hearts of God’s people. Precious promises support them. Suitable exhortations quicken their diligence. Assertions of their danger of falling, are to convince them of their weakness—excite their cry unto the Lord—and cause them to walk close with Him, “Who is able to keep them from falling, and to present them faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy.” -Jude 24


In Christ I stand, by faith I work, 

My God will me uphold: 

But if I’m careless in my walk, 

I soon shall leave the fold. 

Fresh unction from Thyself, dear Lord, 

Pour out upon my heart; 

Make me take heed unto Thy word, 

Lest conscience feel the smart.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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