There is Salvation in No Other

"They shall take to them every man a lamb." -Exodus 12:3 [KJV]

This was God’s appointed means of salvation, in a night of sore destruction. It was a display of the sovereignty of God, and the obedience of faith. Lord, enable us to bow to the one, and to learn more and more of the other. 

Consider, (1st.) The sovereignty of God in His severity upon His enemies, and in His goodness to His people: in destroying all the first-born of the former, and in preserving every one of the latter. And this was in a way appointed by His sovereign mercy. There is no mercy from God to any sinner, but in the way He Himself appoints. This was a lamb. “They shall take to them every man a lamb.” 

His flesh was to be their food, his blood their salvation. Would not taking the flesh and blood of any other creature have answered the same end? No: To attempt it would have been a direct act of unbelief of God’s word, and disobedience to His will. Such a soul would have brought upon himself swift destruction. O beware, lest you turn your eyes from the Lamb of God. There is salvation in no other. 

See, (2d.) The obedience of faith. We do not find one Israelite destroyed. They believed God’s word, and obeyed it. They did not dare to reply against God and say, What doest Thou? Why wilt Thou destroy so many souls in one night? Why take a lamb, and sprinkle his blood as our protection? Why institute this sign to us only, and not to the Egyptians also? Why not give them at least a chance of salvation? Is this just? 

O the power of faith! It prevents such arrogant speeches. The grace of faith in the heart, subdues the enmity of the carnal mind, bows the rebellious will, stills the turbulency of nature, brings peace to the conscience, and love to the heart: For it takes and feeds upon the flesh, and trusts alone in the blood of the Lamb of God, Who taketh away the sin of the world. This is God’s appointed way of salvation. O how simple, how happy is the believing soul! 

God and he are perfectly agreed. God says, “Take the Lamb, My beloved Son, as My free gift for your whole salvation.” The Lamb says, “My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed” (John 6:55.) And the obedient sinner says, Lord I believe, help Thou my unbelief. Dost thou believe? Hast thou experienced this? Then bless the loving Spirit, for the gift of precious faith! Faith is the gift of God. Feed by faith on the Lamb of God. Thus take, thus receive, thus live upon Christ and His fulness every day on earth, till you see His face in glory. Yet a little while and He shall come, Hebrews 10:37


There is salvation in the LAMB, 

For sinners doom’d to die: 

I glory in His precious name, 

And to His blood I fly. 

Christ is my food; my robe, my joy, 

I take Him thus by faith: 

No foes can e’er my soul destroy, 

I credit what He saith.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


nancy said…
wonderful post...I believe every word he wrote...great preacher
& that's the gospel truth

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