"If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God on this behalf." -I Peter 4:16 [KJV]

“The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch” (Acts 11:26.) It is a blessed name. We ought ever to glory in it, and never be ashamed of it. But the bare name will no more avail us in life, death, and judgment, than to be called rich, while we are feeling the pinching hand of want. Christ signifies anointed. He was anointed to be our Saviour (Acts 10:38.) All who are saved by Him, and come to Him, are His anointed ones. So St. John speaks of all Christ’s living members. “Ye have an unction from the Holy One” (I John 2:20.) 

To anoint, is to consecrate and set apart for holy and spiritual purposes. Christians are consecrated and set apart from the rest of the world, to be a people peculiarly devoted to the glory of Jesus. They are the jewels which compose His mediatorial crown. Are you thus highly honoured by the Lord of life and glory? Is your soul anointed by the Spirit of Christ? Then verily the world will also anoint you with their spirit. The more the unction of the Holy One is manifest, in your walk and conversation, so much the more will the wicked one and his children traduce and blacken your character with reproach and infamy. Thus you will be sure to suffer as a Christian; at least in your good name. 

This must be cast out as evil. Only take heed that you suffer as a Christian. That it be for confessing Christ, and adorning His gospel. As you love Christ, and have a tender concern for His glory, O let Him not be wounded, and His cause dishonoured, by any unholy, unjust, immoral actions, etc. Remember, the men of the world are vulture-eyed to your faults, glad to espy, and eager to proclaim them, with an air of triumph, saying, “See here, these are your Christians.” But if you really do suffer as a Christian, who have given up yourself, to be a disciple of Christ, art following Him in the regeneration, and therefore are the butt of contempt, and a mark to be shot at, by the profane wit of ungodly men, be not ashamed: Be not confounded: Do not hang down your head with fear, but look up to God with joy. 

Glorify Him for thus honouring you. Remember on Whose behalf you suffer. Put all your sufferings for Christ to His account. You have Christ’s note of hand: He will surely pay it. But, if you are ashamed, it is a sign you cannot credit Him. What! is the credit of Jesus, the God of truth, bad in your eyes? Be ashamed, for want of faith to trust Him. Meditate often on that day, when Christ shall come, in the glory of His Father, to confess them, who now confess Him, Luke 12:8. 


Dear Lord, Who suffered once for me, 

Upon the shameful cross, 

So fill my mind with love to Thee, 

To count no shame my loss.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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