The Wednesday Word ~ 01 May, 2024 A.D.

What do you think of Christ? Part III

by D.G. Miles McKee

“What think ye of Christ? is the test
To try both your state and your scheme;
You can­not be right in the rest,
Unless you think right­ly of Him.” 

-John Newton


In parts 1 and 2 we discovered that no one was ever born like Jesus, and no one ever lived like Jesus. This time we want to consider that no one ever worked like Jesus.

In His work, Jesus continually demonstrated His sovereign power over all things.  For example, in Mark 4:39 He demonstrated His power over nature. Turning to the raging sea He commanded, “Peace be Still” and the wild, violent wind obeyed Him and the waves were strangely still.  After He rebuked the storm, the Word says that there was a great calm. That´s what Jesus brings in place of the storm... a great calm.  Hallelujah, He is well able to say a word and speak calm to the storms of our life.

Jesus also demonstrated His power over demons.  In Mark 5 a demon possessed maniac came rushing towards Him. Many times, this man had been chained but he simply and easily broke the restraining shackles as though they were dry twigs.  However, when the Lord met him, Jesus commanded the demons to come out of the wretched man and instantly that poor soul was set free.

Furthermore, time and time again Christ demonstrated His total authority over the demonic realm.  And it´s no wonder that He did because He was the incarnation of sovereign, majestic authority. There never was another person at any time in history who demonstrated the authority of God in such a powerful and consistent manner. Never one but Jesus!

So, what do you think of Christ?

Jesus also demonstrated His authority over sickness. There are no fewer than 19 specific cases of miraculous healing performed by Jesus in the three and a half years of His earthly ministry. (See John 21:25).

Lepers were cleansed at His touch. 

Fevers left when He spoke.

The blind saw. 

The deaf heard. 

The lame got up and walked.

He demonstrated His control over nature.

He demonstrated His control over demons.

He demonstrated His control over sickness.

He demonstrated His control over death.

He demonstrated that He was supreme in every realm. 

No other person in history demonstrated such authority.  There never was another one like Him.  He stands head and shoulders above the rest.

But what do you think of Him?


“What think ye of Christ? is the test


To try both your state and your scheme;

You can­not be right in the rest,

Unless you think right­ly of Him.” 

-John Newton


And that´s the Gospel Truth!


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