The Wednesday Word ~ 27 September, 2023 A.D.

7 Gospel Mercies Part 2

by D.G.Miles McKee

2) Accepted as Righteous.We saw in part one, our first Gospel Mercy is that, in Christ, we have full and perfect forgiveness. The second gospel mercy is that we are recognized as being righteous. Our acceptance, in Heaven, is because we are credited with the very righteousness of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:6).This is a wonderful gospel benefit whereby God views us as though we had never ever committed any sins. We have been justified and acquitted of all charges against us. We have been given a new, perfect righteousness in Christ. This is like getting our past expunged and being given a totally new identity.Since all things are now new, we have no time to run around the place feeling guilty. What do we have to feel guilty about? All the rotten wretched things we have ever done are under the blood. They are forgiven, forgotten, buried and done away with in Christ! I know we find this very hard to believe but the more we bathe in the finished work the stronger our faith grows. We used to be under a curse as lawbreakers (Galatians 3:10), but now Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law having been made a curse for us at the cross (Galatians 3:13). God now reckons us as being righteous. That is why we read in 1 Corinthians 1:30, "Christ is made unto us righteousness.”May we grasp a hold of this truth and may this truth grasp a hold of us. As this happens, guilt will not take hold of us. As we bathe ourselves in the knowledge that all our sin was charged to Christ and all His righteousness was reckoned as ours, we are set free. We can never hear enough of this glorious truth!3) Adoption 
It’s good to be forgiven and accepted as righteous, but it’s even better to be made a child of God. And that’s exactly what happens to us as a result of the gospel. We are children of God by faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26). We are loved the way Christ is loved! We don’t have to try to make God love us.He ’so’ loves us (John 3:16). A child doesn’t have to cajole a good parent into love. It’s not, therefore, a presumption for you to say (and to keep saying), “God loves me.” The fact is, He’s crazy about you! That’s hard to believe isn’t it? That’s because we know what we are really like. We’ve taken a good look at ourselves and found that there’s not too much to love in there. Too often we don’t feel loved because we feel we are unlovable. We have, as some call it, ‘an orphaned heart’!But the more we know the gospel, the more we will realize that we don’t have to feel loved. We need to stop trying to feel His love and begin to believe His love. We are His children. We are in Christ and we are loved! Believe this gospel mercy and begin to enjoy being saved. “Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us that we should be called Sons of God” (1 John 3:1).And that’s the Gospel Truth!


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