"But the Comforter who is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." —John 14:26 [KJV]

Our blessed LORD JESUS here gives us the clearest discovery of the ever-glorious three Persons, in covenant, for the salvation of lost sinners. In this knowledge lies all our hope; from this belief springs all our comfort. In the love of this, our heaven is begun upon earth; for the knowledge, belief, and love of this truth in our hearts, we are wholly indebted to the Comforter. He teaches all things. Not by any new lights or fresh revelations; but He graciously instructs our minds and comforts our hearts by the same light of truth and love which beamed forth in the first promise, and which shone brighter and brighter in prophecies, types and shadows of the Covenant, until the substance, Jesus, was come. 

Then the canon (-biblical doctrine/teaching) of revealed truth was completed by the apostles, under the teaching of the Holy Spirit; the substance of which is, the things which Jesus spake, did, and suffered on our account, as our Substitute, and for our salvation. It is the peculiar office of the Spirit to glorify Jesus, and to sanctify our souls. This He doth by the WORD OF TRUTH; teaching our minds the Father's electing love, as centering in Jesus, and directing our eyes to Him, as made of God to us, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Let no man deceive us with expectations of any new revelation from heaven, of new truths to comfort us; but ever hear Paul, "Though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." —Galatians 1:8

Let us prize and study God's word; in and by that the Spirit teacheth and comforteth our minds; in everlasting love and the most ancient truth He establisheth us; we are poor sinners from day to day: we feel many things in and around us to deject and distress us. When we remember what sin hath done to us, brought upon us, and exposeth us to, our hearts are in fears and doubts what will become of us. O, then the Comforter brings to our minds and consciences the transcendently rich love of Jesus; what He undertook, spoke, and did in life, suffered in death, and still lives to plead in our behalf before the throne. 

O, the heartfelt joy of this! So He relieves our minds and refreshes our spirits, through the faith of Jesus, in the knowledge of the truth; so He teaches us self-despair, animates us with courage to go on in the path of holiness, and fortifies our minds to withstand all that is against us. "Grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." -Ephesians 4:30 [KJV]

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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