"Thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste." —Isaiah 28:16 [KJV]

A day is coming when every man's work shall be tried. The foundation of the Lord stands sure; but every other foundation shall be destroyed. He who is built on Jesus, and derives all his hopes of life and salvation from Him, is safe in time, and secure to all eternity. Before men begin to build, they draw a plan; and every wise builder looks carefully to the foundation; for on this depends the safety of the super-structure. The plan of salvation was drawn in the eternal council. It is founded in the love of the Father; effected by the obedience and sufferings of the Son, Jesus. 

Hence what was contrived in infinite wisdom above, is laid as a sure foundation in the church below, by the love and power of the Spirit, the Comforter. It is His peculiar office to lay this foundation in Zion, and to manifest and make known to the prophets and apostles, teachers and saints, that Jesus is the only Foundation. As a stone, for strength; a tried stone, approved of by the Father, and by His children in all ages; a precious cornerstone: the ornament and beauty, as well as strength and security of the whole church. Precious is Jesus in all His offices to them that believe; a sure foundation, sure to all the seed; certain to all the purposes of their salvation. 

And as the Lord the Spirit lays this foundation in the church, in the truth of doctrine, so also in the faith and experience of redeemed souls. What the word speaks of Jesus, that we prove and find Him to be. This is our mercy. "He that believeth shall not make haste." Such is his serenity and composure of mind, that he shall not be frightened in times of distress and calamity, to quit his confidence in Jesus—he shall not be ashamed of his hope in the Lord. Being well satisfied that Jesus reigns, that the government of His church is upon His shoulders, and the residue of the Spirit is with him, he will patiently wait, and quietly hope for the fulfilment of every promise. 

Sin and Satan shall not overcome the believer in life; in the awful article of death, he shall not be confounded, because his heart standeth fast, believing in the Lord; and when Jesus his friend appears, he shall stand forth with boldness, and shall find an abundant entrance into the presence of God and the Lamb, to live, and love, and reign in glory for ever and ever.

O, for a strong and lasting faith, 

To credit what th' Almighty saith, 

To build upon God's only Son, 

And call His righteousness my own.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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