Hallelujah - The LORD our Righteousness!

Surely, shall one say, in the LORD have I righteousness and strength.” -ISAIAH 45:24 [KJV]

Have you learnt that you are a sinner in the sight of God? Have you ever felt the length, breadth, and spirituality of His holy law? Do you feel in your very soul that without Christ’s righteousness being imputed to you, and His blood being sprinkled upon your conscience, you must die in your sins and never reach the heavenly shore? Has this ever been, or is it still a matter of solicitude to you? Has it ever caused sighs and groans to come out of your heart? Has the spirit of prayer ever been given, to make you plead with the Lord for the forgiveness of your sins, through the merits of a crucified Saviour? And have you any hope but in His blood, righteousness and finished work?

Now if the Lord has been pleased to exercise your soul on this way, if
He has not yet granted the longing desire of your heart, He certainly will in due time reveal His dear Son in you as the God-man Who has saved you from death and hell; He will apply His atoning blood to your conscience, bring near His glorious righteousness, shed abroad His dying love, give and strengthen faith, and draw it forth into a blessed assurance of your interest in the Son of His love. Or if your manifestations should not be very bright and conspicuous, He will give you a good hope through grace, as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast; and will draw up your affections to the blessed Lord Who sits at the right hand of the Father in power, majesty, and glory.

And as
He does this, He enables the believer thus favoured and blessed to take these words into his lips, “In the LORD have I righteousness.” He cannot say it before. He may know that there is no righteousness but in the Lord; he may have utterly renounced his own; he may have sunk very deep into guilt and bondage; but until the Lord the Spirit is pleased to liberate him, he cannot come forth into liberty; until he has the witness of the Spirit he cannot cry, “Abba, Father.”

But when the Lord is pleased to bring near
His righteousness, to reveal His dying love, and to shed it abroad in his heart by divine power, then he can say, “In the LORD have I righteousness.” And when he has this, he wants no other; it is complete, which no other can be. It is acceptable to God; it is available in the courts of heaven; it will bear him up through all the storms of time; it will smooth a dying pillow, and land him safely in a glorious eternity.

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802 – 1869 A.D.)


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