My Determination

God’s people delight to hear the glorious gospel, the good news that the Lord is "a just God and a Savior" through the blood and righteousness of Christ. His children feed, live and thrive on the message of "Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (I CORINTHIANS 2:2). I was told some time ago that my sermons contained nothing new and different. I appreciated the complement. Concerning the gospel, if it is new, it isn’t true; if it is true, it isn’t new.

The message remains the same, and it is my determination not to veer away from the "old paths" (JEREMIAH 6:16). The gospel is the children’s bread, green pasture for the sheep. It is the only Light in a world of darkness, the Wisdom of God in a world of foolishness, the Life of God in a world of death, the Truth of God in a world of religious error and the Power of God in a world of spiritual impotence.

It is the "narrow way that leadeth unto life" (MATTHEW 7:14) and all other messages are "the broad road that leadeth to destruction." The gospel glorifies God and is the sword that overthrows the enemy. All of these things being true, the Lord’s servants are "determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (I CORINTHIANS 2:2).

Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd

Thirteenth Street Baptist church of Ashland, Kentucky USA

Audio Gospel Sermons and Contact Information here:


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