This Perfection Given to JESUS' people
"And His name shall be called Wonderful." -Isaiah 9:6 [KJV]
In the opening of the last month, the fragrancy of Jesus' name, as Emanuel, gave a sweet savour to my soul. May He, whose name is as ointment poured forth, give a new refreshment to my spiritual senses this morning, in this name also as Wonderful; for surely every thing in Him, and concerning Him, of whom the prophet speaks, is eminently so. But who shall speak of Thy wonders, dearest Lord! the wonders of Thy Godhead, the wonders of Thy manhood, the wonders of both natures united and centered in one Person? Who shall talk of the wonders of Thy work, the wonders of Thine offices, characters, relations; Thy miraculous birth, Thy wonderful death, resurrection, ascension? Who shall follow Thee, Thou risen and exalted Saviour, at the right hand of power, and tell of the exercise of Thine everlasting priesthood? Who shall speak of the wonders of Thy sanctified. And mark both the preciousness of thy Jesus, and the preciousness of His work.
It is but one offering, and that one but once offered. For, from its eternal value and efficacy, an everlasting perfection is given to all them that are sanctified, and set apart for Himself. "For Christ (as the apostle in his delightful manner expresseth it) being raised from the dead, dieth no more: death hath no more dominion over Him. For in that He died, He died unto sin once; but in that He liveth, He liveth unto God," Romans 6:9,10. And what abundant precious things are contained in this view of the one offering of the Lord Jesus, which the Holy Ghost is continually holding forth to the church! It is blessed to behold them, blessed to believe them, and doubly blessed to be living in the constant enjoyment of them. So vast and comprehensive is this one offering of Jesus, that it hath not merely procured the hopes of pardon, but the certainty of it; not only brought poor sinners into a capability of being saved, but absolutely saved them; and not only saved them, but qualified them for happiness: yea, hath perfected, and that for ever, them that are sanctified. And who are they? Surely all are sanctified who were set apart from everlasting, in the council of peace, between the persons of the Godhead, and given unto the Son, in an everlasting covenant, that cannot be broken: for to this purport are those blessed words of Jesus Himself, in His prayer to His Father, John 17:2. "That I should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Me."
And, my soul, take one observation more, from this sweet scripture; this perfection, given to His people, by His one offering, is for ever; "He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." So that the blessing runs through all eternity. The efficacy of Jesus' blood and righteousness is eternally the same. In point of merit, it blows as fresh and pure, and sovereign, in its pleadings now, as ever. Hallelujah! Fold up, my soul, this blessed verse, in thy bosom, and carry it about with thee in thine heart. Let it be among the first and last of thy thoughts, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Jesus will own it, and prove it to the full, when thou bringest it before His throne.
-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)