Meditate Upon the Glory & Blessedness of Being IN CHRIST JESUS

"That also He should gather together in one, the children of God that were scattered abroad." -John 11:52 [KJV]

These words are like Sampson’s riddle, which, some read thus: Food came from the devourer, and sweetness from that which is violent, or fierce, (see Judges 14:14.) Caiaphas the high-priest, though a devourer of Jesus, yet holds forth precious food; though violent and fierce against Christ, yet he delivers sweet truth. Truth is truth, though from the tongue of an enemy: yea, it is a double confirmation of truth. If Christ be preached, let us rejoice, though even by bad men, and from bad principles. Judas preached; the Holy Ghost causes this wicked high-priest, to prophecy of Jesus. By these words, the Holy Ghost plainly instructs us in these precious truths.— O that we may receive them in love! 

(1st.) That though the whole world is become guilty before God, yet He has a peculiar, chosen number, who are here called, “the children of God.” They were not so by nature, but children of wrath, even as others. But God “predestinated them unto the adoption of children, by Jesus Christ, to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, (Ephesians 1:5.) Simply to believe this, is to bow to the will of God; to object to it, is to cavil against God’s good pleasure, as well as His mercy. 

(2d.) These children are all scattered abroad. Every one of them is turned to his own way of cursed sin, and shameful folly. They delight in their distance from God: they hate the knowledge of God, and are at enmity against His law. They say unto God, “Depart, depart! we desire not the knowledge of Thee.” They sport themselves in their own delusions: they would fill up the measure of iniquity, till their souls dropped into hell. 

But (3d.), They are to be gathered into one. O, the amazing mercy! the astonishing grace of this! Christ is this blessed One. He, like a good shepherd, gathers His poor, scattered, lost sheep unto Himself. “Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be, (Genesis 49:10.) “He gathereth the outcasts, (Isaiah 56:8.) for they were given to Him of the Father, (see John 17:2.) Now, you are deeply concerned to know, what all the world care nothing about, whether you are a child of God or not? Here, it is come to a point. Has Christ gathered you? Has He called you by the grace of His word, and by the power of His Spirit, to come to Him? Have you seen misery and destruction in yourself, and mercy and salvation in Christ? Can you say from your heart, ‘Jesus! save me, or I perish?’ 

If so, you are surely gathered by Christ; you are really a child of God, by faith in Christ. Let sin, Satan, and unbelief ever so much object against it, doubt not of it. Here are two little words, worth the study of your own life, in one. O! ever meditate upon the glory and blessedness of being one in and with Jesus Christ.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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