O, Come to JESUS, you Poor and Needy ones

"The Comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me." -Lamentations 1:16 [KJV]

Whence is it, my soul, that those distressing thoughts arise? Pause, and inquire. Is the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, indeed withdrawn, when Jesus, thy Jesus, sweetly and graciously promised that He should abide for ever? This cannot be. Is the righteousness of Jesus less; or hath His blood to atone and cleanse, lost its efficacy? Oh no! Jesus' righteousness, and Jesus' all-atoning propitiation, like the almighty Author of both, must be eternally and everlastingly the same; "yesterday, and to-day, and for ever." 

Hath God thy Father forgotten to be gracious? Oh no! God thy Father proclaimed from heaven that He is well pleased for His dear Son's righteousness' sake; and never, never, shall a word gone out of the Lord's mouth be altered. From whence then, my soul, is thy leanness, thy fears, and despondency? Canst thou not discover? Oh yes! It is all in thyself, and thy unbelieving frame; thou art looking to thyself, and not to all-precious Jesus!

Thou wantest to feel some new frame of thy own; some melting of heart, or the like; and if thou couldest be gratified in this, then thou wouldest go to Jesus with confidence, and then plead as thou thinkest, Jesus' name, and blood, and righteousness for acceptance. And doth the want of these feelings keep thee back? Oh! my soul, is this thy love, thy kindness to thy Friend? Can any thing be more plain, than that thou art making a part saviour of thy feelings, and not a whole Saviour of thy Jesus? No wonder thou criest out, "the Comforter is far from me;" for the Holy Ghost will teach thee, that all comfort is only in Jesus.

And mark this, my soul, for all future occasions. - If thou wilt seek comfort in any thing out of Jesus, though it be in the sweetest frames, as thou mayest think of thine, Jesus, in mercy and love, will put thy comforts out of thy reach. Oh then, come to Jesus, poor and needy, with or without frames. Make Him all, and in all; and He will be thy joy, thy comfort, and thy portion for ever!


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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