Fled to Refuge in Christ JESUS

"He will reprove the world of sin." -John 16:8 [KJV]

Has the Spirit so convinced, so reproved you of sin, of the curse of the law of sin, of the wrath of God revealed against all sin; and of that sin of sins, unbelief, that whosoever lives and dies in, is under the wrath of God: so that you have fled for refuge to Jesus, and have taken shelter in His wounds, to be saved from all sin; then you are blessed: your soul is safe, your salvation is sure. 

The Spirit has glorified the Redeemer in your eyes and to your heart. And Christ will glorify your soul with Him in His own kingdom. Is not the Spirit rightly styled the Comforter? Did He not act the part of a comforter, even in convincing of sin? What if your heart was broken and bled for sin, yet it was that you might be comforted with the love, and made joyful in the salvation of Jesus. But having thus convinced you of sin, and brought you to Christ for salvation, has the Spirit done with you? Is the work at an end upon you? O, no. He is promised to abide with us for ever, (John 14:16.) 

He always carries on the same work, to convince of sin. He is always the comforter, to testify of the Saviour—and in both He maintains the character of the Holy Spirit. Why do little things pain you? Some, to keep up the notion of sinless perfection, call them, things not exactly right; which you cannot, dare not but look on as sins of your nature. Why do you see, feel, and mourn over yourself as a lump of sin? Why are you sensible that you sin in thought, word and deed, and that you can do nothing perfectly, that sin is in all you do, and that when you would do good, evil is present? Why is it that you hate all sin, abhor yourself, and humble yourself as a poor sinner from day to day before the Lord? 

Why is all this, but because the Spirit of truth is within and convinces you of sin, and cuts off all hope in yourself on account of it? But does He leave you comfortless? Though He teaches you to see and say, “though all I am is sin,” yet you can add, “this does not break my peace.” No, He convinces you also of righteousness: that Christ’s righteousness is yours, and that He is your peace. Of judgment: that the judgment of God is according to truth, that He is just, and the justifier of the ungodly who believe in Jesus, (Romans 4:5.) So that now you live in the life of faith, above the power of sin. Bless the eternal Spirit, O my soul; for I can joyfully sing, 

A guilty weak and helpless worm 

Into Thy arms I fall; 

Thou art my strength, my righteousness, 

My Jesus and my all.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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