Woe to those who strive against Almighty God!

"Nay, but, O man, who art thou that repliest against GOD?" - Romans 9:20 [KJV]

The sovereignty of God, in dispensing His grace to whom He pleaseth, and which He oweth to none, ever has been a subject of contention. Unawakened people, with self-righteous hearts, and stubborn 'free-will' pride, rise with indignation of spirit, daringly call in question the ways of God to man, and impiously reply against God, as though He had not an absolute right to do what He will with His own, and confer His favours when, and on whom He pleases. 

“Ye shall be as gods,” says the father of lies, (Genesis 3:5.) Our first parents believed him. They have tainted our whole race with this proud lie. Hence the poet most sarcastically says, to repliers against God, Snatch from His hand the balance and the rod, Rejudge His justice, be the god of God. St. Paul meets such. He puts a question to them. He demands an answer from them. Who art thou? The Lord in the sovereignty of grace, and with the glory of His majesty, issues His royal proclamation from heaven. “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy: and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” 

Now who? what art thou who darest to reply? What! Reply against God? What! thou, O man— worm of the earth—a creature of a day—born like a wild ass’s colt, without understanding—by nature a child of wrath, dead in trespasses and sins, blind to thy own existence—thou vain fool, thou child of pride, and son of folly, dost thou exalt thy ignorance, and display thy enmity by opening thy mouth against God, His truths and His ways? This is one of the severest reproofs of the Holy Spirit, in the whole Bible. Improve it. 

Remember there is a "Woe to him who striveth with his Maker, (Isaiah 45:9.) Know, you have nothing you can properly call your own, but sin. That is the parent of ignorance and pride. Wilt thou exalt these against the wisdom and grace of God? Shall our corrupt reason reply against God, call Him to an account for His ways, and say unto Him, What doest Thou? Consider, have we not forfeited all right to God’s favour? Does any good thing dwell in our nature, to entitle us to His mercy? O fall down, and thank God for the merciful gift of His Son Jesus. Adore the riches of His abundant mercy, that “at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace: and if by grace, then it is no more of works, otherwise grace is no more grace, etc. Romans 11:5, 6. 


While others wrangle and reply, 

Against Thy sov’reign ways, O Lord: 

O bring my spirit down from high. 

To feed by faith upon Thy word! 

Dear Spirit, teach my soul the truth, 

As it’s in Christ my Lord reveal’d; 

O Thou my God, guide of my youth, 

My heart from ev’ry error shield.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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