Behold, Christ Comes Quickly

"And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him." -Matthew 25:6 [KJV]

When Jesus, the Bridegroom of His church, first came, it was in a moment sudden and unexpected, like the surprise at a midnight hour. And when Jesus cometh to any of His people, it is unlooked for. Indeed, it is always midnight in the soul of a sinner, when the cry is made! But how blessed is the cry, when a poor lost perishing sinner is advanced to the midnight of death, on the verge of an approaching eternity, and in that season hears the voice of the Son of God, and lives! How many, like the thief on the cross, or like the jailor at Philippi, have been surprised into grace at such seasons, by the sovereignty of Him, "Who calleth things that are not, as though they were?" 

Precious Jesus! in all the circumstances of life, in the midnight of nature, the midnight of carnal security, the midnight of sleep, in which even Thy dear children are so liable to be found; Oh! that we may hear Thy voice, and go forth to meet Thee! And, Lord! let the going forth of Thy redeemed be, not with the lamp of a profession, but with the enlightened oil of grace, that we may meet Thee with all our affections alive, to hail and welcome Thy coming; so that "at midnight, or cock-crowing, or in the MORNING," when Jesus saith, "Behold, I come quickly," our souls may cry out, in joyful reply, "Even so; come, Lord Jesus!" 


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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