The Only Savior from the Wrath to Come

"That I may be found in Him." -Philippians 3:9 [KJV]

The apostle knew a time was coming when God would search Jerusalem as with candles. He knew a day was hastening on when the secrets of all hearts would be revealed. He knew an hour was approaching when the eyes of the Lord would try, and the eyelids of the righteous judge would weigh the words and actions of men. And he knew in his own soul's experience, that all who, in that awful day, were not found in Christ, would be consigned to the eternal pit of woe. He knew that when the judge took His seat upon the great white throne, and heaven and earth fled away from His presence, no one could stand before His look of infinite justice and eternal purity, but those who had a vital standing in the Son of God. 

And therefore, looking to that awful time, and the solemnities of that day of judgment, that day of wonders, this was the desire of his soul—and towards that he pressed forward, as an active runner presses towards the goal—"that he might be found in Him;" that when the Lord comes a second time to judgment, and His eyes run over the assembled myriads, he might be found in the Man who is "a refuge from the storm, and the shadow of a great rock in a weary land," the only Saviour from the wrath to come, which will one day burst upon the world.


-preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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