Thankful for the Precious Sin-Atoning Blood of Christ JESUS

"Take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or wherewithal shall we be clothed?" -Matthew 6:31 [KJV]

The word of the Lord is like a drawn picture, which, whoever looks at, thinks the eyes are towards him, and fixed on him. There is in Christ’s word, somewhat that suits our state, under every circumstance, and in all times and seasons. Pliny speaks of a rod of myrtle, which if a traveller carries in his hand, he never grows faint nor weary. Verily, Christ’s word is like this rod of myrtle. For it beguiles our weary steps—smoothes our rugged paths—braces our weak nerves—animates our weary minds—resolves our unreasonable doubts—forbids every anxious thought, and provides for every tormenting care. 

Christ would have our hearts simple in faith, and our hope steadily fixed on Him; so as not to be agitated with anxious cares about a dying body, and a perishing world. To suppress these, let it suffice, that our heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. Therefore be not of doubtful mind, as though ye were orphans, who have no father to love you, or provide for you. He directs our thoughts to His kingdom, as our first and chief concern, and assures us all temporal things shall be added: or, as it were, thrown into the scale. If not for the body, so neither for the soul, should we be of doubtful minds. Our Father hath made ample provision for that also. 

(1st.) “What shall we eat?” The most precious, heavenly, soul-nourishing food is yet before us in the gospel: The flesh of Christ, which is meat indeed. “The WORD was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us, (John 1:14.) on purpose that we might feed on Him; and live by Him. Says He, “He who eateth me, even he shall live by Me, (John 6:57.) Believing on Christ, is feeding on Him. Hath your heart fed on Christ to-day by faith? 

(2nd.) “What shall we drink?” The blood of Christ: His blood is drink indeed. Says He, “whoso eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood, dwelleth in Me, and I in him.” O without this mutual indwelling, if we have the most spacious dwelling, we are under wrath and curse. But if Christ be in us, and we in Him, we dwell in God, in heaven, in glory, by faith. Thank the precious, sin-atoning blood of Christ by faith tonight, and be thankful. 

(3d.) “Wherewithal shall we be clothed?” Poor naked sinner, the robe of righteousness, the garment of salvation, wrought out by thy elder Brother, is put upon thee by thy heavenly Father. It is not only unto ALL, but upon all who believe (Romans 3:22.) Remember the myrtle. Carry Christ’s word in the hand of faith, “lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” -Hebrews 12:3


Our heavenly Father will provide 

What’s needful and is best: 

Then turn your anxious thoughts to pray’rs, 

In Jesus ever rest.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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