The Scriptures do not teach and therefore we do not believe in a fake redemption, that is, a redemption that did not actually redeem.  “Take heed therefore…to feed the church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28).  The true declaration of redemption by the blood of Christ is that He really paid the debt of a particular people, all those given to Him in covenant grace, the church chosen unto salvation.  

He suffered, bled, died and arose for those entrusted to Him, the eternal Surety of His people.  I realize most people in religion believe in what is called a universal redemption which says that Christ died for, redeemed, reconciled to God and paid the sin-debt of all men without exception.  Universal redemption is the false notion that the death of the Son of God was as much for Cain who perished as it was for Abel who was saved and as much for Judas who died in his sins as it was for the thief who was brought to faith in the Lord Jesus.  

Such a belief is contrary to the Word of Truth and utterly ridiculous to common sense.  If you make a purchase of something, rendering the price required to obtain whatever it is you wanted and then did not receive that for which full payment was made, wouldn’t that be an affront to that which is just and right?  The law would step in and make certain that you actually obtained that which you bought.  

The idea that Christ purchased and paid for sinners who will never actually become His property, be brought to believe Him by almighty grace and be saved forever would be a horrible crime against God’s law and justice.  I cannot subscribe to any message that teaches that Christ’s blood was shed in vain.  Remember, the blood of Christ was not offered to any sinner, but to Jehovah.  

The good Shepherd, having laid down His life for His sheep (John 10:14), will bring all His purchased people to believe Him and someday enter into His presence to be with Him forever.  Any doctrine which says that Christ paid the full ransom price and was the Substitute of every sinner, but allows many of those in whose stead Christ died to perish, is utter heresy and a false gospel.  

Universal redemption robs the Son of God of the glory of His work of reconciliation and deprives believing sinners of their comfort that Christ settled the issue of the putting away of their sins when He died on the cross.  The good news of the gospel is that redemption was finished and that God is satisfied with the payment Christ rendered to law and justice.

-preacher Jim Byrd of Thirteenth Street Baptist church located in Ashland, Kentucky USA


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