Praises unto the soon-coming KING OF GLORY


O God of everlasting days,

Receive our worship, thanks and praise;

May all who gather in this place,

Exalt Thy Name and seek Thy face.


We ask that as we gather here,

Grant grace to bow, Thy Name to fear;

Speak Lord to ev’ry mind and heart,

Reveal to us how great Thou art.


Lord, for Thy servant we would pray,

May he in power preach today;

Send forth Thy gospel to each heart,

To every soul Thy grace impart.


O may Thy Son, our sovereign Lord,

Be praised, exalted and adored;

Give unto us true faith to see, 

Christ Jesus saves eternally.


And for Thy loved, yet wayward sheep,

Out on the rugged mountain steep;

O Shepherd find the lambs which roam,

And bring the wand’ring, lost ones home.


 Tune: “DOXOLOGY” LM Words by J. Byrd


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