"Lest Israel vaunt themselves against Me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me." -Judges 7:2 [KJV]

Thus the Lord reasoned with Gideon. He knows what is in man. He sees the pride of the human heart: how prone we all are to boast in an arm of flesh. The Lord is jealous of His own glory. Gideon’s army of two and thirty thousand, is brought down to three hundred. By this handful of men, and no more, did Gideon gain the victory of the Midianites. The Lord’s wisdom in this was, “Lest Israel should vaunt themselves, and say, Mine own hand hath saved me.” 

But I have not transcribed the text right. There are two little words of great import, which I have omitted. Mind then, O Christian—against Me. Now remember, whenever thou dost boast of thy power, thy free-will, thy human goodness, thy works, ditties, conditions, and performances in order to be saved, thou art then, as it were, two and thirty thousand strong. Thou vauntest thyself against the Lord. Thou art glorying in thine own arm of might and power to save thyself, in some measure or degree. Thou art trusting to thy works to save thee, in whole or in part. Be assured thy Lord will bring thee down, and weaken thy numbers, that He may have the sole glory of thy heart, for saving thee. 

(1st.) The Lord proclaimed, That all who were afraid should depart. Two and twenty thousand returned. So He will proclaim the terrors of His just, holy, and righteous law in thine ears, and cause thy heart to tremble. Then shalt thou get rid of much of thy self-righteous confidence. It shall depart from thee. 

(2d.) He brought the people down to the water, and tried them by lapping. Here also he reduced their numbers, to prevent their vaunting. So He will try thee, by lapping the waters of affliction. Here He will cut off the strength of thy vain confidence, and prevent thy vaunting thyself against Him. Thus when thou findest the commandment come with power, and sin revive, then wilt thou die to self-confidence, and glory alone in the Lord. 

When the pruning knife of affliction has cut off the luxuriant branches of pride and vain-glory, then wilt thou say in deep humility, Wretch that I am, that I should trust in myself, and depart in heart from the Lord. I thank Thee, my dear Saviour, for all the pains Thou takest with my proud nature, to bring me to glory only in Thee, and to say, “In God is my salvation and my glory.” -Psalm 62:7


I’ll trust my Saviour’s word alone 

To justify and save; 

No grace in me, nor works I’ve done, 

The smallest share can have. 

Tho’ poor, alas! I’m full of pride, 

And prone to vaunt of pow’r: 

Lord, humble, that I may confide 

In Thee alone each hour.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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