REJOICE ~ Irresistible, Effectual Grace



What is there to be said to you sinners about the power of God the Holy Spirit in His regenerating grace?  It says to me that there is hope for spiritually dead and lost sinners.  I can and do preach the gospel of the grace of God to sinners in, through and by Christ the Savior.  However, I cannot save you; I cannot get at your heart.  

Perhaps my words may have an emotional effect upon you, maybe even cause you to weep, but you wipe your eyes, leave the building and nothing of any lasting power is accomplished.  But the power of the Holy Spirit, can and does save.  It is able to soften your heart, to make you spiritually alive and cause you to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  

That which is impossible for you to do, or for me to accomplish through my preaching, is a work that the Spirit can and must do.  The Lord makes no offer of salvation; He makes sinners willing to be saved God’s way, by grace through the doing and the dying of Christ, in the day of His power (Psalm 110:3).  Thankfully, omnipotent power accomplishes what no other power can, the salvation of sinners.  To God be the glory! 

-preacher Jim Byrd


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